The Fam

I love these guys! I am truly blessed with a beautiful fun family.

These were taken while we were visiting family 4th of July weekend. Carey Jenkins was our photographer and she was great working with eleven children and six adults! Here’s just a glimpse from that day. If you live in her area and are looking for a photographer, giver her a call!!

My dad saw this picture and got his breath caught up! Yep, that’s a lot of kids!!

How adorable is he?!?


It’s Snowing!

We made snow last week using Insta-Snow. The kids loved it. It was not my intention for it to cover the kitchen floor, but it happened. I took it away shortly after and put it in the freezer. My intention was for them to use it to make snowmen, however, they took it out side with some friends and made snowballs and had a snowball fight. Oh well.
But before all that, the boys decided to throw it on each others heads.


Happy 5th Birthday Ace Man!

That’s right! My first born son is now 5 years old! Ughhh…He’s grown up so fast. I’m sure I’ve mentioned here before how he is such a blessing to our family. God blessed us with Ace just four weeks after we had a sweet baby go to heaven by way of a miscarriage. I love this little man and wouldn’t trade him for anything! He asked for a cowboy party and so we willingly obliged. Fourteen children and some odd number of adults and we had a great party for Ace.
Papa gearing up for the barrage!
Getting ready!
I went cupcake crazy this summer, which was kind of good as I planned two birthday parties (not counting Mark’s), an anniversary party, and a baby shower…all in the span of a few weeks. I did manage to make the cupcake topper and the cowboy boots. Let’s all give a cheer for cupcake stands that make cupcakes cute and effective!
For an activity, they colored “Wanted” posters…

A sweet Georgia fan wearing the beautiful Crimson and White. We even got him to say, “Roll Tide!”

My find this year was this awesome castle for ONE DOLLAR at a yard sale! Yep, that pretty much rocked. Ace also received some pretty nice golf clubs and bag from Ge and Granddaddy. I know he’s going to have fun being taught how to play golf. My poor dad has waited for a loooong time to have boys to teach and share with! Now he’s got four (so far).


Soccer Camp for Ace

Ace enjoyed soccer camp last week…much more than his sister (it was too much running). He got the hang of the techniques they taught and seemed to really enjoy himself. I like these two hour camps for five days. The kids get to try out different things and it gives us a good view of whether or not it is their “bent.” While Ace enjoyed the camp, he told me he didn’t really want to play it this year.

After spending 30 minutes clutching me on Monday, he warmed up to the coaches and also made friends. A little too friendly for me…this little girl followed him around and kept trying to hold his hand…but he just took in stride, one of the benefits of having a sister I guess.

Friday, the other kids got to enjoy it too!

Zoe playing heads/hands (whatever she called out they had to do the opposite).

What Ceili Rain enjoyed most out of the whole week…sleep when she could get it.


I’m Chikn Enuff for Free Food!

So, we participated in National Cow Appreciation Day last Friday and dressed up for free food…all of us except for the one who has no teeth to eat chicken and always gets her meals free.

I wish I had gotten a better picture, but they were hungry, it was crazy, and when we started dressing them they just wanted more and more stuff. I really thought we’d have a couple of kids who didn’t want to dress up. I was wrong. They all wanted spots and signs and ears. Liam wanted cow fee, so I made a couple for his hands. I dressed in all black with white spots (don’t think that I’m not too scared to make a fool of myself for free food). Mark had on a white shirt with black spots and put them on his jeans as well. Josiah was the only protester, but Mark managed to get a spot on his back. We spent $4 to get a milkshake…that was it folks!

What’s really funny is Mark and I made a deal that we wouldn’t go out to eat this month, unless it was free. Ta da!


Splash Time

Our local library has a playground behind it. They’ve recently added a splash/sprinkler area and another playground for larger kids and swings. I love where we live! Anyway, the kids were able to go for the first time last week to the splash area with some friends…

So much fun, you can lose your pants!

Josiah wouldn’t get in. He loves the sprinkler area at our pool but this was new and not something he was up for. He spent the whole time walking around getting muddy and very hot.



I thought I had posts ready for Friday and today, but when I looked yesterday, I didn’t see any. We are around. Just been busy. We are getting ready for a trip to see Mark’s family as well as celebrating Josiah’s big boy 2 year birthday!

So, here ya go something to appease the grandparents while I go to the pool sort through Josiah’s birthday pictures and pack. And here’s the story behind the pictures above.

Ace has been telling us for quite some time that he does not go to sleep at night. At all. So, Mark finally got the camera out to show him that he does, indeed sleep. Then he had to show him the difference between his eyes being opened and them being closed.

His response: I just closed my eyes. I didn’t go to sleep.
