Thankful for…

chocolate covered kisses,
booboos and band-aids,
tantrums and giggles,
tickle monster and pile on daddy,
pillow diving and learning,
girls’ morning out,
grocery trips with the boys,
tears over toys,
learning to share and be content,
disobedience that shows me my weaknesses,
tiny hands to hold,
the firsts (smiles, rolls, crawls, walks…),
giant hugs,
leaving a legacy…
I’m thankful that God has blessed me with my children.

I’m thankful for…
late night talks,
tag team parenting,
being led and discipled,
thoughtful decision making (even though I want an answer now),
being told I’m beautiful when I feel least like I am,
being loved unconditionally…
I’m thankful that God has blessed me with Mark.


Exercise Check In

Just wanted to report in that I have not abandoned exercising!  And, thanks to have a stomach bug not once, but twice this past month, I am now five pounds lighter.  However, may I recommend not losing weight due to a virus!

I have to confess that due to the ins and outs (pun intended) of being sick we have not been exercising at home as much.  I have been sticking with my first day to 5K and am going to finish up week 4 tomorrow.

And finally, I hit the lewd lyrics.  They are pretty raunchy, so I adjusted.  I looked up on my iPod what the bpm intervals were and wrote them down.  Then, I plugged in TobyMac and worked out!  Much more uplifting.

I also got “the big head.”  And thought my 5K training self could take it out of the gym and off the treadmill.  So, when we took the kids to the park this past weekend, I did my exercise on the track.  Yeah.  I’m not ready for that.  For one there’s inclines and instead of keeping a steady pace where I can slow down, I found myself trying to run to the music.  That was hard.  Very hard. 

So, when I went to the gym for day two of week 4, I increased my incline but didn’t try to break out into a full on run or jog.  I think I need to build up my resistance before trying to actually jog quickly.

No more big heads here…I’ve been deflated but will continue on to week nine and then, start over again in hopes I will be able to do more actual running the second time through.

Oh, I’m getting some pictures ready for posts for next week so stay tuned.


Getting in shape

It’s past eleven on a Sunday night and I’m still working away!  Hopefully, I’ll be able to get some things done tomorrow and post some pictures.

Anyway, I thought that since I haven’t got pictures ready from our week out and about, I’ll post on this.

It is my goal to be physically fit before or rather should God bless us with another baby.  Given my track record, we’re looking at about six more months tops before then 🙂  Soooo, I’m on a deadline to lose baby weight from, oh, say, the past five pregnancies (I lost the baby weight from Zoe’s pregnancy pretty quickly…having your gall bladder removed, via an emergency at four weeks post pardum will do that to you).  Actually, somebody (meaning the men) in our family (that would be Uncle B, Papa, and Mark) decided that it would be fun to see all of us bust a move (or break a bone) on some ski slopes this winter. 

And so, I would love to be out on the slopes (very briefly…it’s cold out there folks…or at least I think it would be…I’ve never been skiing) and not huffing and puffing and bulging where there needs to be no budge.

Let’s also tag on that Mark and I both feel a responsibility to God and our family to be good stewards and take care of our bodies by eating right (most of the time) and exercising.

Let’s just be honest here…I’ve got about forty pounds to shed/musclize (yes, I made that word up) to be down not only to a good weight for my height but to also be healthy.  And, honestly, I started working out at about six weeks post pardum.

Mark and I started September using a DVD.  It’s called 10 Minute Trainer, and it works great.  The goal is to not really use just one ten minute workout but to stack them together doing about three to four a day.  We’ve gotten up to doing two a day.  However, I started back this month going to the gym.  And with my gym workouts, I decided to use the First Day to 5K Podrunner Intervals.  Let me be the first to say, I do not enjoy running…nor breaking a sweat.  That is just what these DVDs and podcasts will do though.  And actually, I’m enjoying the Podrunner exercises.  They really are working.  I’m not really sure I’ll actually run a real 5K race…but just knowing I could at the end of a few weeks, well, that’s reward enough for me 🙂

So, the Podrunner Intervals is a podcast that is FREE!  That’s right.  Free.  I’ve heard there is an app for your phone you can buy or a podcast that you can purchase.  But what I have is free.  The goal is interval training running and power walking for around 30 minutes (it gradually adds more minutes per week) for three times a week.  I’m on week 2.  I’ve heard some complaints about the lyrics being inappropriate but all I’ve ran into is “Play that funky beat.  Check this out.”  and that’s it…but then again, I’m only on week 2.  The music is hip hop/techno and not boring at all.  I really enjoy it and it keeps me focused on it.  Supposedly in about ten weeks, I’ll be ready to run a 5K.  There are also podcasts for 8Ks and 10Ks and a Ziggurat (which sounds excruciating).  I’m not sure I’ll have time to do the 8 or 10 Ks before we hit (and I do mean that literally) the slopes…but we’ll see.

Here’s my plan:
5K training on Mon, Wed, and Fri. 
10 Minute Trainer (mostly lower body/total body and abs…I’m getting cardio through the 5K and those videos provide enough cardio without having to throw it in…but I could if I wanted) on Tues, Thurs, and Sat.
Rest on Sunday

And the weather is pretty enough that I can take the kids for a mile or two walk around our neighborhood on those off-gym days or just to go walking with Mark after supper.

I’ll try and remember to report back every month on my progress.  So far, I’ve lost five pounds.  Actually, I gained a couple of pounds on our vacation last week, but thanks to the kids (and Mark) sharing the stomach bug, I lost three in one day!  I can tell I’m actually getting in shape because I’m not huffing and puffing through some of the workout videos now.

Here’s a couple of confessions:
First, I found 10 Minute Trainer while feeding Bryant in the middle of the night (people sell interesting stuff late at night…I believe Mark regrets cutting our cable off).
Secondly, I’m actually running on a treadmill, not fast, mind you, but I haven’t fallen off yet.  Even I’m in shock that I’m running.  In place.  And not being chased one single bit.  My dad should be so proud!

So what do you do (if you do anything or are trying to do something) to get in to shape?


Painted Piano

I got a wild hair runnin’ through my veins a couple of weekends ago and convinced Mark that our piano needed painting. He thought I was a little looney but agreed to let me do it. I had been researching painting the piano for awhile but finally decided it just had to be done!

Zoe and Ace have been taking lessons for a little over a year now.  We had purchased a clunker piano (that left us infested with nasty roaches…but that problems been taken care of now) but then a friend offered to sell a spare one that they had for a good price.  So we bought it.  However, after it had sat in a house with 12 children (at the time..they’ve since been blessed with #13), it had seen quite a bit of use as a cup holder/paint catcher and what not.  Not a big deal to us because it sounded good.  We keep our Bibles on the piano because it’s easy access to during family worship.  However, I could not find some basic book stands to save my life…anyways, I gave Mark the choice of painting the piano red or green.  I was thinking a darker green would look good.  Mark opted for a red one since he’d never seen a green one before.

I asked Mark if he had ever seen a red piano…he hadn’t.  Hmmm…well, anyway, we went with red and here’s the mostly finished project!  I love it.  It looks a lot cleaner (with a few touchups needed), and it matches the (insert fancy know it all voice here) decor of the room.  You know, action figures, children’s books and a changing table (that’s coming up soon, I promise)…the fancy stuff. 

So, what do you ya think?  Want to see more painted pianos (so you know I’m not entirely crazy)?  Go here!


Stay Tuned…

We have been winding down some of our curriculum and getting ready to gear up for some other, plus taking clothing inventory before the big consignment sales here.  So, stay tuned…I’ll be posting more pictures of Bryant as well as the rest of the crew sometime this week.

I can tell you’re all sitting on the edge of your seats biting your nails in anticipation.



This has been a crazy and busy and sad few days.  Mark’s grandmother, Mama Maude, passed away.  She has been suffering with congestive heart failure over the past several months.  We were very sad about her home going.

I could write more and more about the impact that Mama Maude (or Aunt Maude as some called her) made in our lives and the stories about the lives she impacted.  However, to keep me from getting tearful, I’m going to link back to what I wrote close to our anniversary about her.

She was truly loved.  She had such a hard time breathing with fluid building up in her lungs.  But now…ah, now she is breathing in something more rich than oxygen…she’s breathing in the glory of God.  And we feel so much the more excited about continuing her legacy in our children and their children…



We’ve been busy over the past few weeks trying to finish up some major projects before Bryant comes (can you tell who/what is on my mind lately).  So here’s a little more show and tell of what we’ve been up to…

You’ve seen the boys’ new dresser, well, this is the other dresser in their room.  We bought this several years ago at a used furniture store for something around $50 or $60.  It is solid wood and, for an old outdated dresser in great shape.  With three boys, it has taken a beating on the finish.  I told Mark it was finally time to redecorate it if we had time.  We already had the paint!

Here’s the finished result.  We also got wise before putting it in the boys’ room.  The sample paint is only sold in a Satin finish and we found that it was chipping really bad on the dresser we had already painted, so we bought a sealing paint (used for faux finishes) to cover the drawer fronts…It’s worked out well and the boys’ haven’t chipped it yet.

I’ve also been sewing.  Not the kind of clothes making creative sewing a thoroughly enjoy…more like the money saving, repair sewing.  We noticed about a month ago that Ceili Rain was leaking out of her diapers bad.  I told Mark I thought the microfiber inserts had seen their last soaking up.  So, we ordered a few to see if it worked…and it did, with #1 but when she did #2…well, they didn’t hold it.  She had two major blow outs on a Sunday (one of which was at church), and I looked at the diapers again and realized, there was no elastic in the legs or back rise.  It had basically been completely pulled apart.  Not bad that the elastic has lasted almost three years and through two kids who are different sizes.  Thankfully, Cotton Babies (the makers of BumGenius diapers) sells repair kits.  I’m not sure but I believe they may be the only ones who sell them for their diapers.  The kits cost $1.  And in it includes elastic, velcro tabs and new laundry tabs (to keep the diapers from all becoming one big diaper in the washing machine).  However, to get the elastic out and replaced has taken a lot of time.  But, it’s almost all completely done…thanks to Grandmere loading up on some diapers to do the repairs at her home!  We’ve replaced elastic and velcro tabs in 24 diapers!!!  And I’m replacing all the inserts (which I happened to find priced at under $3 thanks to a sale advertisement at Diaper Pin).  By the way for diaper seeking people, Cotton Babies just launched the new bumGenius 4.0s and the elastic is supposed to be waaaay easier to repair in these.  I have to say, I’m a bit jealous and would like to get some just for that.  Oh well, maybe in three years when these wear out again!  I couldn’t pass up making virtually brand new diapers for under $5 a diaper!

I’m posting my other sewing projects on Friday so stay tuned!  But lastly, I wanted to share Bryant’s sleeping headquarters (well, once he’s old enough to go in with the boys).

The bedding is thanks to Ge & Granddaddy.  I spotted this bedding a while back and told Ge about it.  But, because of her bum leg, she offered for me to purchase it on behalf of them.  This bedding was on sale at Target and it fits the room perfectly!  Especially with our shuttle pictures above the crib! The one in the middle is the picture Grandmere & Papa gave Mark for his birthday.  The other two were ones we picked up when we traveled to Houston to celebrate a friend’s wedding.  I love the bedding and how soft it is!  Now all we need is the baby to put in it (well, in about four or so months).  This is the first time we’ve ever purchased an actual crib set to go on a crib.  But it had the essentials (bumper, sheet) plus a super soft blanket for floor play.  And Mark actually smiled big when I showed it to him!  Thank you Ge & Granddaddy for helping us get ready for Bryant’s birth!

Oh, and the crib was purchased, at consignment, for $45.  I wanted a mini crib so it wouldn’t take up much room in the boys’ room but I couldn’t pass up a forty-five dollar crib that was in super great shape.  Nor the mattress that was in equally great shape for $6.  And yes, I’ve checked to make sure there were no recalls on it…and there aren’t.



The short version:  For those that are not interested in all the details but want to go on in shock and awe.  After almost nine years with our current church family, we are visiting other churches.  This in no way is due to any serious issues or problems we have had with our church or the staff (whom we all love dearly).  This is a Spirit-led decision and below are the details that have led to that decision.  This, also, does not mean we will indeed leave our church and join another fellowship but that is a possibility if that is where God is leading.  Not our will but His!

Now the long version:

When Mark and I were dating, one of the things we frequently would discuss was the make up of the church.   We both have grown up in a Southern Baptist church and have thoroughly enjoyed the benefits of being a part of a denomination that supports the largest amount of missionaries in the world.  Unknowingly to us, when we were married, we joined a Southern Baptist church but instead of it being Deacon led (as our churches were when we were growing up…meaning committees, not the pastor, made all the decisions) it was pastor-led (meaning the pastor made Spirit-led decisions and was accountable to the congregation, deacons, and other staff members).  This was a great move and really got us to think about the New Testament church and discuss even more about how God intended for the church to be set up and how it currently was functioning.

Before we ever had children, we both agreed with the Bible in that God had clearly given parents the authority to raise their children up in His ways and truth.  I’ve shared a lot of our ideas about how we view the church here.  But in a nutshell, we believe the church should come alongside parents…not the parents dropping the kids off at church to be raised in a Biblical worldview.

While we were coming to these conclusions, and welcoming our first child into the world, Mark’s brother and wife joined a family integrated church.  We did some research (you know, to make sure they weren’t joining a cult) and realized we believed a lot of those basic values but still saw no need to be dramatic in changing churches and dropping Sunday school and all the other traditional things we’ve always done in a Southern Baptist church.

After reading and listening to Voddie Bauchum in recent years, we were affirmed in our belief that church was not, indeed, responsible for our children’s well being and raising.  And after reading this startling statistic from Bauchum’s book, Family Driven Faith

Researcher George Barna found that less than 10 percent of self-proclaimed “born-again Christians” in America have a biblical worldview.” (pg 76)

we realized that, more than ever, we needed to be vigilant in insuring that our children’s extremely influential years were full of us saturating their lives with a Biblical worldview.  If you think about it, take 100 of the Sunday school teachers, Awana leaders, and children’s worker and pull out ten of them (100 is a small number of the volunteers in our church)…what’s the chance that those ten are actually the ones that you are lucky enough to have teach your children?

So after much prayer, last December, Mark resigned as a tech volunteer to help me in the service.  And after much more prayer, we decided to pull our children out of Sunday school to continue to have Bible study at home and to give us a very much less stressful Sunday to worship Christ.

That decision was hard.  Very hard.  I mean my friends were in my Sunday school class.  And guess what, I have lost some of my close friends.  But God has been faithful to allow me to grow stronger friendships with others.  This has not been easy and I am struggling with some bitterness at even losing, what I thought was a best friend, however…God opened my eyes to His word in Psalm 84 which tells us that His house is basically a house of worship…not of friends and fellowship first.  I realized I had made it my “social hour” and that He was leading me to realize that worshipping Him was more important than any other part of our life.

To be fair, we had asked to lead a family-integrated Sunday school for all ages at our current church.  However, the time has never been appropriate for it.  They had started, in the fall, with a family-integrated Sunday school but that was only for middle to high school students (and I have heard nothing but excellent things from it…both from the students and parents who participate).

Backlash from our decision to miss Sunday school has been minimal.  And while we know that worship is the first most important part of attending a church, fellowship is the second.  And because we wanted to make sure our children were influenced directly in a Biblical worldview and took them out of traditional Sunday school, our fellowship with other believers has been lacking.

Aside from that, while children are not banned from corporate worship, they are certainly not encouraged to attend it at our current church.  There are high energy “Disney” style activities during all corporate worship times to entertain the children and entice them and their parents away from worshiping together as a family.  We’ve been blessed that only a small amount of times we’ve been told where the nursery is or take our screaming two week old out of the hallway because they were disturbing the other worshippers.  And it’s never been in a rude and ugly way.  We’ve requested a “cry room” to help when we are training our children to be quiet (a cry room would be a room where you could still see and participate in worship but where a temperamental child could be disciplined and trained without disturbing others) but that, too, has been left unanswered.

So now, this all leads us to what God has been speaking to my heart as well as Mark’s. And neither of us realized it until a couple of weeks ago.  I had been feeling God leading me to talk to Mark about visiting a family integrated church, however, in my stubbornness to not let go of the familiar and wanting him to lead, I never said anything.  I didn’t want to be uncomfortable in a new place.  I didn’t want the kids to be transplanted away from friends.  I didn’t want the few people who were still friends to become angry with us.  Bascially, I was being selfish.

So, since I wouldn’t say or do anything…God did it for me.  We drove past a church with a sign about training families in God’s word.  A small church, it appeared…Mark looked at it and made a comment as to wondering whether they were family-integrated, and noted they had Awana.  I realized I had seen a church with a similar name listed on a family integrated directory. A few days later, we looked up the name and I mentioned to Mark that the idea of visiting a family-integrated church had been floating around in my head for awhile.  He informed me that it had his too.  He looked up the church, their website, their doctrine and other information we could find (Google rocks!)…none of it, although the church was non-denominational, contradicted what we believe through God’s Word. 

At that point, we realized we couldn’t deny God moving in both of our hearts to visit.  So, we talked to the kids about it.  They, reluctantly (at least Zoe) agreed.  After all, the current church we attend has been their home and family since they were born.

So, we stepped into the unfamiliar and visited the church.  All of us a bit apprehensive. 

We were welcomed, all be that it was a very small church.  The kids were welcomed and the pastor didn’t blink an eye as Ceili Rain came barreling down the aisle during his sermon (and yes, she was promptly caught and removed).  Nor did he freak out when Liam raised his hand during testimony time…because that’s what Liam does.  However, I did stop him before he gave another sermon or expounded on mom’s temper the previous week!

And Zoe, although very nervous, loved the church.  The worship is quite a lot like what we’re used to (yes, on a much smaller scale), and she made a friend right away (which may or may not be a good thing…they’ve been pretty inseparable since meeting).  Besides that, when we asked them all what they thought of the church, they all agreed they liked it.  And from Zoe, “I love that the preacher uses a lot of Scripture in his sermons.”  Yes, my seven year old daughter said that.

They have two Sunday schools for the kids.  And we allowed them to attend (although Liam wanted me in there with him and Josiah didn’t care)…but the kids are more than welcome to attend the main Sunday school time with us.  Kids are welcomed in the service and on Wednesdays they do have a children’s program…which, as I stated earlier, is Awana during the school year!  There are a lot of friendly people there.  Their doctrine is sound and what Mark and I believe.  We are still planning on visiting and meeting with the pastor and his family in the future (probably after our family grows by one).

All this to say that the past two times we have visited we have been blessed by the worship and felt comfortable in the setting.  Whether this means God is leading us to join, we still have no idea.  We may be back at our “old” before the end of the summer, but God may be leading our family in a different setting.  Either way, we are open to His will for our family and our lives individually and we will follow Him where He leads us. 

Disclaimer:  Mark pre-approved this post before sending it out!


“Write it on Your Walls…”

We just finished studying the character quality of gentleness or kindness.  To re-emphasize and as a constant reminder, I worked with the kids to get Ephesians 4:32 up on the walls…we all need this verse up to remind us of our attitudes and words!
Here’s how we did it:

I started out and purchased one canvas 10X20.  However, because the words were a little big I had to get a second one.  The canvases cost about $7 each…except that the second was on sale when I went so I got it for around $5.  I cut the letters out on our Cricut and then ran them through the Xyron sticker maker machine.  I used a “repositionable” cartridge so we wouldn’t get sticky residue on the canvas.  Zoe helped me cut the letters and stick them on.  Then we painted a base coat of lime green on the canvases.

We then put their hand prints on the canvases.  I did two sets on each canvas.

After the paint was dry (really and truly, I wanted to see what it looked like so I didn’t wait until they were dry), we peeled the letters off.

Here’s the end result:

And the close up:

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.”
There was some bleed through on the words but I think it works great.  This is at the end of the hall so we can all see it several times a day.  Mark wanted to hang it down in the hall so the kids would smack into it every time they walked by…just so they would be aware and remember what it said.  Since I didn’t want our child protective services calling about bruises on the kids foreheads, we went with this.
Now, I’ve got to come up with other ones for them to do…I’ve got some more printed canvases coming up for your viewing pleasure but first, (well last), is the girls’ names on their door.  Courtesy of Uppercase Living of course!
You can’t tell but Zoe requested the metallic shimmery pink.  Since there were only two names, I obliged.  Uppercase Living is having a great summer sale right now.  Buy one expression get one free…including the MyDesign expressions (like the one above).  Sale ends July 12th, so find a consultant and get to buying ya’ll!  Email me if you need the name of a great consultant (or two)!


Happy Birthday Mark!

For a few months it will now appear that Mark is only a year younger than me!  We celebrated his 31st birthday this past weekend!  And while I’m getting bigger by the milosecond and several people have commented with “Any day now, huh?”  I believe we still made the day special!

Opening gifts on a surprisingly not humid day!  We loved the weather this past weekend.

Mark got a nice Apollo commemorative patch from his mom.  It’s beautiful and I think he was definitely surprised and in awe!

He requested a Snickers Cake (my recipe from a hodge podge of recipes).  Ceili Rain saw chocolate and was thrilled (what can I say…she’s my kid).

Singing “Happy Birthday!”
Waiting, ever so patiently for the cake.  I did not put 31 candles on the cake for fear that the awesome chocolate frosting would be covered in wax.  However, I did do a 3 and 1 digit to represent 31 candles!
Yes, I know the candles were a bit off center.  Just sing praises that I actually made a from scratch cake and remembered the candles!
