Shower Curtain Re-Vamp

Giveaways going on now!  Don’t forget to sign up to enter here and here

The girls’ bathroom shower curtain was made of this flimsy sheer type material.  But, it matched perfectly and I bought it four years ago and figured, if needed, I’d swap it out later when it was totally destroyed.

Later has come.  The top stitching started to tear, the hook holes were tearing and ripping the fabric.  I knew it needed to be replaced.  But guess what?!  No one makes shower curtains to match purple bathrooms in a butterfly theme.  I was frustrated with my search.  Then, I decided to get creative.

Here’s the shower curtain all spread out.  See the rip in the bottom right corner.  I had started cutting when I realized I needed to document be it success or not.

Here’s the finished product:

And here’s what I did.  I cut off right below the rip in the curtain.  I measured off the cut height and then cut off the same amount from the bottom.  I’m a big fan of symmetry.  Then, I cut a strip of fabric twice that height.  I wanted it to be extra sturdy for the hooks and thought that reinforcing by folding the fabric over would help. 

I turned the fabric right sides together and stitched the ends to keep it with a finished look (note:  when doing this make sure the fabric is the exact same length of the curtain.  I was pretty close but it was off a bit and I did have to adjust some.).  Flip the fabric right side out and press.

Take the raw edge of the fabric and pin it to the raw edge of the wrong side of the curtain.  Stitch. 

Flip the fabric to the right side of the curtain and press and stitch again.  Then add button holes (another note, make sure you measure the distance between shower hooks on a standard curtain  before haphazardly putting holes in your newly revamped curtain!) the same width as was on the curtain.

All done!  It really was super easy and went very quick. Okay, so it would have gone quicker had I not totally messed up the button holes, but lesson learned.  So, now the girls have a “new” shower curtain, and I can marvel at the fact that I found fabric with the exact same colors as the shower curtain.  Really.  It’s amazing how well it matches!  I was thrilled with my find!

Here’s another look at the curtain:

And, if you can tell, those hooks on the walls are the most adorable towel hooks I found at Hobby Lobby (disclaimer:  I paid for those and can get excited about them all I want).  I waited until the wall art went on sale half price and picked up four for the girls’ bathroom after I had gotten one for a hand towel hook.  I love them.  I think towel hooks are much easier for the kids to hang their towels up on.  And, since the bathroom doubles as a guest bath, there’s plenty of room for guests to hang their towels on it.

I cant’ believe I just raved on and on about towel hooks.  Oh well.


Make New Friends

Giveaways going on now!  Don’t forget to sign up to enter here and here.

We had the privilege and excitement of hosting this young, Young, family (hahaha), the weekend of our mission conference.  The Youngs are missionaries with Biblical Ministries Worldwide and will, by God’s grace and timing, be going to Scotland to work with church planting there.

We were thrilled to host this family and their fun children.  Their two little ones just fit right in and Nathan and Krystal (the mom and dad) didn’t seem too disturbed by our plethora of children.  Mark and I were thrilled to have them in the home and talked with them late in to the night on two occasions, not even realizing what time it was.

Yeah, I think Nathan was praying he’d be released soon from this chaos!  Ten points if you can guess who’s missing.

These are all the missionaries who attended and spoke at our church’s conference.  I’d love to get the videos for the Louks up, but I can’t figure out how to embed it in here, so I’ll just point you to their website and tell you, you must go see what they are going to be doing in Romania starting this summer!

See they fit right in…fixing toys and such.
And, Mark and I had the privilege of watching their children while they attended a ballet put on by a local company here.  They actually trusted us with their kids.  Little did they know…
I called it “twin practice” in hopes that one day God will bless us with twins (yes, you read that right…I would love to have twins although the odds are greatly stacked against us).
 Madeleine is a couple months older than Bryant.

 Pose for the camera kids.
 What are you???
Madeleine also cut a tooth while they were there.  She was pretty grumpy when we kept her and at one point she and Bryant were both competing in cries.  I smiled and saw all the other dear children covering their ears and announced that we could handle twins.  Mark laughed.  Anyway, we didn’t realize she had cut a tooth until she had kept Nathan and Krystal up all night.
Mr. Miles was a trip.  He enjoyed “playing” the Wii.  He was close to Josiah’s age and oh so much fun.
Please remember to pray for Scotland and the Youngs as they prepare to serve Christ!
You can learn more about what they are doing here:
Or go to their website:  Pray for Scotland.

And if that isn’t enough jabber, one of the reasons we were thrilled about having the missionaries in our home was because of the great influence they can have on our children.  It is our desire that our children seek to serve Christ and to bring Him glory through all they do, whether that is living in a hut in Africa or working inner city missions or a “regular” job in the states.  We also want them to be aware of the great needs that are both here in the US and abroad.  Hosting missionaries for a brief time gives them faces to the names that they hear so much about.



This story of absence is nothing short of well, interesting…

It all started when I requested that Papa and Mark work on the front flowerbed while they were visiting a couple of weeks ago.  They obliged…somewhat happily.  However, they didn’t have time to finish it completely because we were celebrating some special little princess’s two year birthday. 

The Before:  That pile of rocks is our altar.  We really need to get into the New Testament during family worship time!
Papa “working” hard!
The Helpers!  We chose this project because we knew that everyone could pitch in…and they did!

This is the side of the house that connects to the front bed.

So, that left the finishing touches to be completed by us the next weekend.

We got to work bright and early on Saturday morning.  Everyone really pitched in.  We saw a ton of lizards (yay, they eat mosquitos…the more lizards the happier I am…as long as they don’t come inside), frogs (they eat bugs too…stay on little frogs…outside), and a snake.

Trust me.  He’s in there.

Yeah, a snake.  Just lounging around in one of our azalea bushes in the front yard.  One of the azalea bushes in the azalea bed that we were clearing out and Mark was throwing lyme (lime?  whatever…the acid neutralizer stuff). Mark threw some lime and then jumped back a few feet.  We got out our handy dandy google and realized we weren’t dealing with a poisonous snake.  Just a little garter snake.  However, they eat lizards.  I like my lizards (outside), so I knew we were probably going to need to kill him.  But first, I wanted the kids to see him.

So, after several attempts, Mark was able to pin him down with the shovel while I picked him up.  Whether we were going to kill him or not was not questioned after that as we realized he was hurt in our jaunt to get him out of the bush, so after letting Ceili Rain touch him (the only one who wanted to), Mark took him off to the side of the house to give him his final resting place. (Sorry Jacie…but it was better than letting him suffer)

It just so happens the place Mark took him was where our cable line was buried.  Just so happens that cable line is the same cable line we use for internet and our landline phone service.  Just so happens that it’s not buried very deep.  And, as you can guess, it just so happens that when Mark sent the snake in to utter darkness, he sent our internet and phone in the same direction. And, we learned all of this on Monday when the cable repair guy came out and found the cut line.
Oh well!  He was super nice and did a quick great job fixing it up.  He greeted Mark at the door telling us he liked our bumper sticker (about abortion being wrong and such).  That was a nice visit!

And now you know why I did not post on Monday!

But hey, we got a nice cleaned up low maintenance flower bed…and I got my azalea bed cleaned out and mulched up.

A side view.  I’m going to add a couple of more plants to even it out but that won’t be until the big nursery near here has a warehouse sale and I can get them for dirt cheap…haha..dirt.  cheap.  I’m so funny.
Ahhh…what a little landscaping fabric and mulch can do for a yard!

Change of Plans

A couple of weeks ago,  we had what I would describe as one of the hardest weeks of childrendom.  Every day was a struggle to get going and get things done.  Everyone was yelling and fighting and disobeying.  It was just hard.

So, by the time the weekend came, I was super happy!  And by the time the next Monday came, God started putting a plan into action.

Here’s our new plan schedule and it works! 

Up and breakfast. We generally try and eat around 7:30 but that may not always be the case and if we eat later, it’s okay.  We try to finish up all our breakfast activities by 8:30 or 8:45 so we can get a few chores done before school work.

While everyone is eating breakfast, I read.  We have a fiction book we read (generally from Lamplighter Publishing or with some character trait we want to teach) and now, we’re reading Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by the Mallys.  Of course, with all that reading, I generally am reading while they are finishing eating, so I print out 21 Rules of This House for them to color while I read.  Honestly, I learn better and listen better if my hands are busy.  And I imagine that’s true for my children as well.

After breakfast we do morning chores.  These vary from kid to kid and day to day but always include getting dressed and brushing teeth (very important). 

And then it’s school time.  Zoe, Ace and Liam go to the bonus room to work on schoolwork.  I have toys out in the living room (just in view) for Josiah to play with.  Bryant goes down for a nap and Ceili Rain likes to hang out in the bonus room attacking everyone’s papers and then settling in to play with a school toy I get out for her.

We break at 11 for outside play or, if it’s raining, inside free time.

Lunch is at 12 with me reading some more.  This time it’s History and Science and then it’s time to sit and read with mom.  This is one of those things I love to do but sometimes it just slides.  And all my children love it too!  Even Zoe.  It’s listener’s choice.  That means they can pick out any book they want!  And they love reading.  And mom does those silly crazy voices and it makes it even more interesting.

After reading a few books, we practice our handbells (I’ll have to post a video soon) and listen to our Spanish.  And then it’s time to watch Adventures in Odyssey on JellyTelly and then it’s rest time and mommy can get some things done.  The boys now have iPod access in their room and will listen to our daily Bible reading and more Adventures in Odyssey or an audiobook or classical music.  Everyone gets to stirring about 3 and then we have free time or finishing up school time, snack time, and getting dinner ready for when daddy gets home.

And Mark gets to come home to a happy house.  And I don’t feel like my heads going to explode in gray hairs or that I need to be sent to a looney bin.  Ahhh peace!


Courageous Trailer

Mark and I are so excited about Sherwood Pictures (the “company” that made Facing the Giants, Flywheel, and Fireproof), next film.  It comes out in September and the focus, this time, is on fathers.  Take a look at the preview and get excited with us!

Courageous – In Theaters September 30

And if you just can’t wait for a Christian film until September (well there is one coming out in April but we won’t go see that…too much skin for us), go this week to see The Grace Card.  The theme is about forgiveness and overall it’s a good movie.  A little cheesy at the end, but the message makes up for it!  Yep, sappy me cried a few times.


Welcome to the World

Miss Maggie MAC is here! (This is the little one we were welcoming yesterday…well, not yesterday but last month)

Psst:  I made her hat!  My second attempt at crocheting!

Oh yeah, she’s beautiful!
Proud Mama, Tracy checking out my first attempt at crocheting…a baby blanket!  I have no idea what I was thinking starting with that.  Apparently, she didn’t know what to think either!
Yep, Aunt Abbie was super thrilled to hold this precious one.  Can’t get enough of these sweet newborns!
Ace enjoyed holding her too.
Liam thought it was pretty fun as well.
She was making a cute face and I couldn’t quite get it.  Oh well…here’s a better picture of her hat.
What can I say?!  Our family loves babies.  Welcome to the world sweet baby Maggie MAC!

Babies are dirty…

That’s why we women like to get together and give them showers.  So, my friend, Tracy, needed a shower for her new baby.  I was happy to oblige.  This was the first shower I’ve hosted all on my own..  It was a lot of work (only because I probably went over the top) but it was a lot of fun too.

My first try with fondant!  I made this adorable elephant by watching a youtube video (be forewarned:  the artist is wearing a low cut shirt…but the music is fun to dance to while you’re making the elephant).  Okay, if you folks don’t say it, I will…I think she’s adorable.  I didn’t make her on my own though.  I shaped her and Zoe helped stick her body parts on.  Zoe also is responsible for cutting out almost all of those polka dots.

 The grammas with the mama!

I made that pennant up there too.  That was super easy!  (I would include the directions I used but I can’t seem to find them…anyway, it’s basically cut out the pattern from paper/newspapaer…that’s a triangle, put a heavy weight fusible interfacing on the bag and fold a ribbon in half and sew it on each triangle and tie together…tada!)

Chocolate party favors (via chocolate candy bars with personalized wrappers).
Oh, made the table runner too!

 Fun game of match the socks!
This isn’t Tracy’s baby…but she is just as adorable!

Okay, baby girl clothes are just too adorable!
It was a brunch, so I had plenty of brunch food…but apparently I had not set anything out when we took the picture…trust me, there was lots of food!
Did I mention that Super Wy was there?
He liked the chocolate best of all!
I loved giving her this shower.  I know that it’s faux pas to celebrate babies past the first one.  But, I truly believe (and know) that children are gifts from God and each one should be celebrated.  And what better way to celebrate than by having a bunch of ladies get together to eat, laugh, and play silly games!  Zoe was a great help and loved hosting with me.  I loved having the extra help. 

Reading List 2011

While we wait on the pictures to upload, etc, I thought I’d share my reading list for this year.  I decided, after reading another blog, that I could come up with twenty four books I would like to read.  Some of them are books that I had started but haven’t finished yet.

Now, this does not take the place of reading through the Bible.  Our family is reading through the Bible together this year following a chronological reading.

Anyway, here’s the list:

Non-fiction books:
1.  Radical by David Platt (I’ve actually already finished this and wanted to read it because of all the hype about it.  Pretty good read and I’ll delve into that more for a review later).
2.  Genesis of a Legacy by Ken and Steve Ham
3.  Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell (I soooo need to read this soon)
4.  Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half by Steve and Annette Economides
5.  Ten P’s in a Pod by Arnold Pent III
6.  Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
7. Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson
8.  The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
9.  John Calvin:  Commentary on Romans
10.  Sermons on Proverbs by Charles Spurgeon (these may take more than a month.  or two.  or years)
11.  Bonhoeffer:  Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas
12.  America’s Cheapest Family by Steve and Annette Economides

1.  May Cooler Heads Prevail by Teri Dunnegan (loved it!)
2.  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
3.  Elsie Dinsmore by Martha Finley
4.  The Puritans by Jack Cavanough
5.  That Printer of Udell’s by Harold Bell Wright
6.  The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart (okay, they’re kids books, but I enjoyed the first one and they’re just plain fun kids books)
7.  The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner’s Dilemma by Trenton Lee Stewart
8.  Fury by Bill Bright and Jack Cavanaugh
9.  In the Company of Others by Jan Karon (Who can resist the lovable Father Tim???)
10.  Cottonwood Whispers by Jennifer Erin Valent
11.  Grace:  A Christmas Sisters of the Heart Novel by Shelley Shepard Gray  (every needs a little fru fru fun book)
12.  Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (I’m just going to confess right now that I did not read this book in high school or college so I’m going to give it a go now!).

So what’s on your reading list???


Happy Thanksgiving 2010

Yep, I know.  It’s almost Christmas.  I know.  I’m a month behind.  But this was worth sharing, for the first time ever, we actually had guests for our at home Thanksgiving celebration!  Mark had to be on call this past Thanksgiving so we actually had to stay at home!  I can’t believe it either 🙂  Mark’s parents were able to come and help us celebrate so we pulled out all the stops.  Place card settings, beautiful folded napkins (by Zoe), fine china, and our nice tablecloth.  Not to mention our first ever whole turkey roasted, sweet potato casserole, cream corn, green beans, homemade dressing, and the cranberry jelly from a can (yuck on that one).  And for dessert, apple cake and pumpkin pies.

We all enjoyed it and I think our guests did too!

Mark was the turkey man.  I bought it (on sale for a great price) and found the recipe, and he dug out the gizzards and such, and cooked it!  We’re a great team.  He also got to carve it.

Stop taking the picture already and give me some food.  Peeaaasss!
