
Our new stove!

Papa & Grandmere came up the Wednesday before Malachi was born, and wouldn’t you know it, our new stove was in so Mark & Papa could install it.  I know Papa was thrilled at all this manual labor (the next day, he continued with the hard labor to get our yard cleaned up…he did an awesome job…although our yard needs cutting again)!

Okay, I know it’s a stove…but my dear friends if you like to bake and cook for your family, you’ll totally get why I’m so excited.  It’s a convection oven!  How cool is that?!  And it’s a glass top.  Which means, no more cleaning out the catchers for the heating elements!  Or underneath them.  Oh, and it also has a “slow cook” function on it.  I can use my stove as a slow cooker…that is so cool!  And will come in handy since my kids have decided they like my barbecue made from Boston Butts…I don’t think one will cut it the next time I make it!

So, here’s the process of how the swap out occurred.

Out with the old.  In all fairness…it was time for the stove to go.  The broiler was broken and one of the heating elements was overheating.

The kids weren’t really anxious to see the new stove…they wanted to play with the box!

Daddy always has a helper…or two.
A few little cuts and Papa had transformed the box into a house.


Mighty Nice Grocery App

While we wait on Malachi to come, I thought I’d share at least one app that I’ve put on my phone that I’m totally excited about.  This may be a regular thing, but I doubt it.  I just don’t have a ton of apps and the ones I do have are more for the kids.

Anyway, before I “got smart” with my phone, we used Our Groceries to create lists on occasion, but, for the most part, I still wrote out our bi-monthly shopping lists and we’d go to the store with paper, coupons, and kids in hand. 

When we got our new phones, I spent several days researching the different grocery apps and landed upon two I wanted to try.  One was “Out of Milk” and the other was “Mighty Grocery.”  I decided I’d start with Mighty Grocery first since it seemed to have everything I wanted.  So, I downloaded the “lite” version (aka free) and played around with it for a few days to see if I would like it. 

When I mentioned to Mark that I thought it was a nice app and I thought I might buy it (it’s like under $5), he remembered that he had gotten it from Amazon as their free app of the day!  He checked and did his finger magic and got it up on my phone.  The full version.  Free.  I love free!

But, I think this app is totally great.  For starters, you can create you list in different stores or move it around from store to store.  You can input prices, coupons (percentage and money amounts off) and make notes that show up in your lists.  And it has aisles.  It’s so organized that it takes no time to find what you need.  You can even personalize the aisles by numbers…however, remember, stores like to frequently change their aisles!

And, it syncs with other users/accounts.  Oh yeah.

So, here was the test.  Last night, we decided to get our first of the month Wal-Mart groceries.  I had my phone, Mark had his.  And we criss crossed the food aisles and could see, in real time, where each other was and what each other had gotten.  We were in and out of there in less than hour.  Now, keep in mind, our monthly Wal-Mart trip almost always lasts two hours.  But, we did it in one!  We cut our time in half.  That totally made me even more excited about the list.

All that to say, I’m totally sold on this app!

(Disclosure:  Mighty Grocery did not give me this app to review for free…but we were able to snag it on Amazon’s App of the day!  A must check out if you own a smartphone!)


Beatrice meet Sunny

Beatrice and Sunny, as predicted, can get along fairly well.  When we let the rabbit out of the cage, Sunny follows her.  Everywhere.  Now, Beatrice the Bunny and Ginger the crazy mutt cattle dog…not so much.  Ginger would just as soon eat her.  Which we won’t let happen.

And that’s your rabbit update for the month.


The Whole Truth: Who Raises the Kids?

Caroline asked:  Do you make your older daughters help raise the younger children and thus rob them of their childhood?

Good questions Caroline!  I’m sorry it’s taken like six months to get back on this band!  I can’t believe more of my peeps haven’t asked…I so would…even anonymously!

Let’s start with the first one.  Well, I only have one older daughter and the younger is two so she wouldn’t qualify in the “raising the younger children” scheme.  Raising our children in the fear of the Lord is our (Mark and I) job as parents.  We do give our other children responsiblities to make the house run smooth but that doesn’t mean they constantly on younger sibling watch, etc.  They run, laugh, play, and wrestle with their friends (yep, they have friends out side of our family…but that’s a secret).

When our children turn seven, and there’s a baby, then they will get the baby as a “buddy” when that baby no longer needs me to do a lot of their things.  These responsibilities include buckling them up, unbuckling them, helping them get dressed, help them put away clothes…and eventually, helping them learn their chores (i.e. picking up, unloading dishwasher, putting things away…that’s around 18 months or so).  When their buddy is walking very independently, they are required to hold their hand in the parking lot and making sure they don’t take off without the rest of us.  Now, since my children’s ages are 9, 7, 6, 4, 2, and 1 that means there are only two who are old enough to be “big buddies.”  And the seven year old is still slowly getting those responsiblities since he is a he and his buddy is only 18 months old.    We are currently teaching them that if their buddy doesn’t obey then to come to us and we’ll take care of the situation.  It is not and never will be their place to discipline their siblings.

Again, it’s not all work and I believe the older ones get more privileges than the younger ones.  For instance, Zoe and I occasionally go out for a meal and for a time to reconnect, get away and enjoy some yummy food (we both love the same kinds of meals she’s more adventurous in her orders than requesting McDonald’s).  She also gets to stay up later than her siblings and watch movies on occasion.  Ace gets his special time out with dad and is slowly getting to stay up later.

I guess, in summary, we are not in the parent camp that believes children should just be kids and not learn to work and contribute to the home.  We expect all our children from the time they can toddle to be willing and joyful helpers about the house doing age appropriate chores and activities.  We have no qualms in requiring our older children to help look out for their siblings as we have no problem looking out for all of them.  This is teaching them to be loving, gentle and helps them think of the needs of others before themselves (a Biblical model that we are striving for…JOY…Jesus, Others, You).  It’s our prayer that in teaching them these Christian character qualities that they will grow up willingly and lovingly and sacrificially sharing Christ with others.

This is quite long, so I’ll leave it at that.  The short answer is “no, we don’t have our olders raise our youngers.”  The long answer is above!

Leave a comment on this post or here if you have a question you’d like for us to answer about our bunch.


Never Boring

I know I haven’t posted much but trust me, it’s not because we’re sitting around staring at each other.  It’s been rather busy here.  We’re preparing for a baby for goodness sake.

So, for example, this weekend, we traveled a couple of hours away (in cold rain) to some friends’ child’s birthday party.  Not just some friends.  These are friends from back in Mark’s college days (and mine too, although I didn’t go to the same college).  It was wonderful to see them all and how much their kids are growing and I’m sure you’d like to see pictures.  But I didn’t take nary a one.  Yeah, we were good like that.  I blame it on the rain, cold, and trying to doctor up bruises and bumps from playing in the most awesome indoor three story play place ever.

Sunday, in between meals and church, I worked on some sewing.  My discomfort level is growing a tad so my sewing time is getting very limited.  I did get a cover done from this tutorial I pinned on pinterest (tell me you’re shocked!).

‘Cept I didn’t add the ruffle. Didn’t really see the purpose in it. But the pocket. I’m in love with! I can’t wait to use it.   And yes it’s big so that means hopefully enough coverage of the baby belly while nursing!  I’ll show off my version (with all the other fun stuff) when it gets closer to baby time.

I also made a super comfy maxi skirt to be worn post baby (okay, and pre too).  And I found the tutorial for it on…just guess…

Just pretend that’s me. Tall, blonde, thin and barely a bump to speak of!  I made this skirt for my Christmas outfit (go to our actual blog to see).  The first time I made it, the waistband was a bit too small and uncomfortable for the bump.  This time, too big.  So, I’m making readjustments again and hope to have it on and comfy by the end of this weekend.  One day I’ll figure out how to measure my waist.

I’m also busy reading Large Family Logistics and totally getting overwhelmed in spots.  I had to take a week off for my brain to process and see how her suggestions would fit into our world.  My impulse…to jump in and do everything but I know that I would go insane with that and getting ready for a baby.  So, I’m trying to apply some things that I know will work a little at a time.  “Rome wasn’t built in a day” as they say.  For now, I’ll say that this book is a must read for any mom…not just those with a bunch of kids.  I know I’m not going to finish it all this month but it will be complete by year’s end.  And, look on here for tidbits that I’ve gained and will be applying. 

Oh, we’ve also got house projects too…like Igor and a bike shed and deck decorating and the like…and field trips and school and freezer cooking and the like.  And watch out.  Mark is getting me a smartphone.  Don’t ask me what kind.  I’m still not 100% sure.  But it should make labor day quite interesting as we duel blog 🙂

Yes, life here is never boring!


Pinterest Attacks…Again

It started with this inspiration from Pinterest.

Which turned into this:

 Since we create three menus each year and rotate them throughout the year each month (one for January, one for February, one for March), I knew I could make this menu board work for us.  I worked on it the last week in December and was able to finish it in a couple of days (that’s with many interruptions, etc).  FYI, the only place that had this kind of calendar with bulletin board on bottom was Target…don’t check Wal-Mart or OfficeMax!

The blog I found this on has a great tutorial with step by step pictures.  She even posted some of her recipes.  Here’s how I adjusted it.

I kept the order of different colors for different types of dishes.  Right now, I only have my dinner dishes for the year listed with hopes of putting up our favorite breakfast dishes, desserts, and appetizers (since we have mucho get togethers at church…we need lots of those…not that I’m complaining.  Food is yummy).  I also made a set of cards with the menus for each rotating month listed.  I also laminated the recipe cards and recipe names…we all know I’m not the neatest of cooks and need these suckers to last.  I put magnets on the back of each of the recipe names instead of just using magnets to hold the cards up.  Kids, me, and lots of activity means they wouldn’t stay in place and recipe names would have gotten lost.

This has worked out great, as we had a freezer cooking day the first of the month and I just pulled out the recipe names and listed them on the side along with writing in the meals already in the freezer.  When March comes, I’ll move them over to the appropriate place and pull things out of the freezer as needed!


Let’s Try this Again

My book list for 2011 was a great idea, but I admit that I got side tracked and did not read hardly anything on it.  I did read but not that much from my list.  2012 should prove a good year for reading as I will be nursing a wee one and I prefer to do that sitting down and to keep from going to sleep, I usually read.

So, here goes…I present my reading list for 2012.

January:  Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman.  I’ve been oogling over this book since it came out this year and my dear sweet husband purchased it for me for Christmas!  Isn’t he amazing!
February:  Deeper Waters by Robert Whitlow.  Mark’s mom introduced me to this writer and I downloaded the sample for his book and loved it.  It’s suspense, mystery and set in the south, Can a book get any better than that?
March:  Love Your Husband, Love Yourself by Jennifer Flanders.  My sister-in-law got this for me and I’ve read tidbits but nausea and pregnancy have kept me put off from actually digging in to it.  I can’t wait to get started though.  It does prove to be some good insightful reading.
April:  Though Waters Roar by Lynn Austin.  I saw this book in a Christian book circular and thought it looked interesting.  With an author who has a last name Austin, it’s got to be good. Okay, so it’s spelled different than Jane Austen but it’s still pronounced the same.
May:  The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund.  This is a three in one volume so I will probably just read one book.  It’s an oldie, but supposed to be a goodie.  Oh, and I got it used for pennies.  Actually paid more for the shipping than the book.
June:  Ten P’s in a Pod by Arnold Pent III.  I do believe this has been on my list to read.  I think it will be a fun easy read.
July:  Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell.  Okay, I’ll admit, I may need to read this every month.
August:  Duncan’s War by Douglas Bond.  A good fiction book to get back into the swing of things with school.  I’m reading it to see if it’s appropriate for the kids to read.  No, really, I am.  Okay, it’s set in Scotland.  I couldn’t resist.
September:  The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer.  My sister got this book for me for Christmas.
October:  No Longer a Slumdog by K.P. Yohannan.  I’m scared to read this book.  I know it will break my heart and turn it even more towards caring for children but I must read it.
November:  Well, that leads me to a book that I purchased that I can’t remember the name of nor can I remember where I put it.  Really.  No wait, I found out the name.  It’s 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I’ll be grateful when I can find it again.  Let me know if you see it.  Well, I’ve got eleven months to locate it.  Updated to say that I found it. I mentioned to Mark that I had lost it and he produced it, announced he had read two pages and it was too depressing and had put it down.  Yay for me to read.
December:  Given that I didn’t do so well getting through my list last year, I might just leave this month open to catch up.

I will say I had one small accomplishment, I read through the Bible this year.  Chronologically.  Which is pretty interesting.  I didn’t read it alone.  Zoe and Mark read through too.  My eight year old daughter read through the Bible in one year ya’ll!  That’ll keep ya accountable if nothing else will!  And honestly, I think just reading the Bible is the more important that all these other books I have listed.  Well, Large Family Logistics runs a close second though.


Phew! Done. Now What?

I successfully have posted every day this week. That hasn’t happened in a long time!  But wait, there’s more.

However, I had an idea.  I thought it would be fun to dispel, or bring to light some of the myths that come along with having a large family and homeschooling.  Now, keep in mind, I don’t consider myself an expert nor do I feel we have a large family.  But, apparently, by today’s standards we do.  And along with a “not your average size family” comes a lot of comments that make me think people have some crazy ideas about what it means to be a mom of a large family.

So, fire away.  What do you want to know?  What do you think or what have you heard about what it’s like to be in a large family?

If you don’t ask, I’m going to come up with my own ideas!  Like:

  • It takes a special kind of patience to be a mom to many kids.  
  • You are a saint! 
  • You must be really organized.
  • What about socialization in homeschooling?
  • Don’t you know what causes that?
  • How can you afford all those kids?
  • You must have a big house.  (And when I say I don’t) Well, how do you fit all those kids in there.

Really now.  Let’s get to the nitty gritty.  Don’t hold back, I want to know what you want to know about our family life.  If you’re afraid I’ll get angry, you can add a comment anonymously.  If it does make me angry then I don’t have to post your comment…or maybe I need to figure out why I’m angry in the first place and why I’m being so selfish!  

And we’ll call this new series:  The Bunch Myths-Busted.

Oh, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me (or else I’ll bore you with my own commentary).


Up, up and away

Ever since I’ve known Mark (which would be high school), he’s had a love of planes.  I don’t know how he does it, but he can spot a plane way up in the sky and tell you what kind it is and more.  He loves them!  He’s always had a dream to get his pilot’s license and while, right now it’s a bit out of our price range, God did allow him to take an introductory lesson.

Our local newspaper ran a deal with an aviation company that offered introductory lesson/flights for a good price.  A really good price.  I didn’t even ask Mark.  I just bought it for him for Christmas.  We had to tell him early though because the coupon expired November 1st.  He was excited none the less and really enjoyed his flight.

It was a small airport so the pilot allowed us (meaning the kids and me) to hang out right outside the airport.  They taxied out in front of us and landed in front of us.   And in between those two times, the kids found things to occupy their time.

Like climbing on columns.
Rocking in chairs.
And hamming it up for the camera.
The airport was hosting a drag racing competition that weekend (which we would have loved to go to had our weekend not been completely full already).  So, the guys in the background were setting up for it.  That provided a lot of the entertainment.
Mark said it was a lot of fun!  If you know Mark he doesn’t get super excited.  But this.  Well, he got as excited as he usually does!  

Mark’s Christmas Flight 01 from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

Taking off!

And landing!



A new business venture with a friend!  Several months ago, a friend approached me about starting a card business through Zazzle.  I was so excited to be able to do it.  We set a launch date for October but she’s so smart, she got it up and going before then.  However, my brain is still a few months behind and I have not gotten it up on here until now.  There is a special link to my Character Creation designs but don’t just stop looking there.  Make sure you check out all her cool designs too!  I feel honored that such a talented graphic designer asked little ol’ me to enter into this adventure with her.

If you need Christmas cards, we got those as well.  Just a few designs are up right now so get to clicking and designing.

Without further adieu, I give you:

And, we have a contest to celebrate our launch!  Go to our Facebook page and like us.  When we get 100 likes, we’ll have a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to be used in our store.  Like away and then tell your friends to like us too!
