Tour Da House…Kids’ Rooms

 I know.  I’m behind again.  So sad.  I’m still working hard.  As evidenced by this room.  The girls’ room.  I gave Zoe control over it when we unpacked.  But she soon realized that she needed a bit of help (okay, I told her she needed a bit of help).  I took a Saturday in October and we spent two hours in this room.  Two hours in one room…just organizing and rearranging.

We made it through though.

 Ceili Rain has the bottom bunk.  The girls’ bed was a Craigslist find.  Mark and a friend from church headed out the night we closed on the house and picked up the bed.  They took it to the new house in a down pour very similar to our move in day.  On the way home, they saw a guy on a bike.  He was trying to peddle home in the down pour.  They had room in the van for the guy and his bike because the seats were all out.  So, upon the suggestion of the friend, they picked him up.  Mark and our friend said that this guy would not stop talking the whole trip.  Apparently, his “motivation was in the tank” and he “used to be a cabby in Philadelphia” or somewhere like that.

And that has nothing to do with the girls’ room.  I just thought I’d share.

Ceili Rain stuffs things around her bed.  I have since scooted her bed to one side and will be getting a bookshelf for the other soon. 

I know.  I know.  She did her best with what she had.

This is a before of the closet.  The girls love American Girl dolls so having a walk-in closet was wonderful!  They now have a place for the girls to “live.”  And these girls typically live in a style of luxury.

 One of the “sold me” parts of the house was the walk-in closets in two of the bedrooms. 

This is the organized after picture.  Ceili Rain was showing me where the girls were sleeping.  We arranged it so they could get to each of the dolls.  I moved the bookshelf in to the closet so they have more space for something I’ll show tomorrow.

I’m keeping their bed linens in this small hang up place.

I repainted their dresser before we moved.  When we first purchased the dresser it was painted red.  I repainted it with a castle on the front drawers but I knew Zoe was getting too old for that and the white flat paint that we used as a base was getting dingy.  So, we found a bright pink, funky fabric, and pink spray paint.  I dipped the fabric in fabric softener and smushed it on the drawers.  The ends got frazzled and still are, so I hot glued ribbon around the edges.  It won’t stay but we can swap it out easily when the girls get tired of the fabric.

 I can see the floor!  And two adorable and beautiful little girls.

Jumping for joy!  Just had to throw this in there.

Boys walk-in closet.  We mainly hang up church clothes in both rooms but having the walk-ins allows them to have play space and, we’ll have plenty of room to hang up “real” clothes when they get older.  Josiah enjoys helping give tours.  Okay, he enjoys photobombing.

Ties, colonial costumes, and backpacks.  That’s what we store in the boys’ closet!
See.  Tour photobomber.  We have four boys in one room.  Malachi has a separate room that will eventually double as a guest bedroom.  For now, it’s all his until everyone comes in to play with his toys.  His bedroom does not have a walk-in closet, is not finished, and really only contains his crib.  Hence, I didn’t see a need to post the pictures right away.  I’ll do that later.

I purchased over the door shoe organizers for the boys’ and girls’ rooms.  This gives the girls plenty of space for their dolls and it keeps the boys’ shoes organized.  We only keep Sunday shoes in their rooms since the rest are in the mud room so that gives extra storage for whatevers.  The girls keep their few Barbie dolls in them and I’m not sure what else.  The boys’ still haven’t figured out what to do with theirs.  But Bryant was very upset this past Sunday when he couldn’t find his shoes (that were in the organizer).

You can head over to A Bowl Full of Lemons to see some better more organized kids’ spaces.  We are continually working to stay organized and clean and right now, my goal is to have a place for everything.  Making it look cute will come when I win the lottery that I don’t play later.


Tour Da House…Linen Closets

Aren’t you excited?  You get to see yet a few more rooms in our home…It’s a two-fer week:

We should really title this linen cloest/bathroom cabinets.  Sadly, we gave up a linen closet.  But we gained this:

It’s a closet situated between the kids’ bedrooms. When we did our walk through we were told that the closet was meant to be a seasonal room to store seasonal decorations.  Bryant claimed it as his bedroom when we first looked at the house.  Regardless, I was thrilled to see that extra storage.  Currently, the closet is storing clothes that have not been sorted (I use a bin system to store the kids’ clothes and these clothes have not been worn since I started the system).  The closet also holds the kids’ hampers, a billy bookcase that serves as our medicine cabinet and all the coats.

I mean all the coats.  I’ve threatened to buy the store clothing size dividers for a few years now.  I finally broke down and did it.  I purchased some blank clothes dividers on ebay and markered the sizes.  A quick look tells me what sizes I’m missing and makes consignment shopping for coats and jackets much easier.

I also took the time to organize the kids’ bathroom which has our guest towels, their towels, and all things bathroom/linen related minus the sheets.

These are before pictures.  A bit about the decor.  First of all, when using yellow, make sure you get the yellow with the primer in it.  I still need to do a few more coats.  And this has four coats.  On a beige wall.  I just gave up.

I wanted a fun theme that was gender neutral for the bathroom.  I also didn’t want something too cutsie because I don’t plan on changing it out as they grow.  Plus, there’s like seven kids that use this bathroom.  And they all vary in ages.  So, owls it was.  All the owl shower curtains we looked at were either too girly or too freaky…as in large and staring straight at you.  Not something you would want to see when you got up in the middle of the night.

Zoe and I finally found some fabric that we both thought met our criteria.  I purchased it, grabbed a brown shower curtain from Target and sewed it on.

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

I didn’t think a full shower curtain of these cute things would be really fun.  So, putting it on the top and bottom really made it more interesting.  And then, one afternoon I was perusing Hobby Lobby and stumbled upon owl vinyl wall decals.  And they matched!  I couldn’t resist the half off.

This wall is opposite the vanities.  These picture ledges were not my first choice but my first choice was not really sturdy.  So we went with these.  I purchased the cups from the Dollar Spot at Target (they currently have some there now too).  Each child has a cup.  Currently, I stenciled their first initial in their color on the cups.  I’m going to have to do something different however as the paint just won’t hold through a washing.  We have enough towel hooks for about 12 kids.   You do the math on how many we need to have to have it full.

We moved.  I unpacked and threw everything under the sinks.  Very unorganized, no?

This is my girls’ drawer and cabinet ya’ll.  It was a bit organized when we moved in.

Here’s the afters:

Girls’ side.

Boys’ side.  Ahhh.

While we had to give up one full bath and replaced it with just a half bath (meaning the boys and girls now share a bathroom), we justified it by the dual vanities and the fact that the shower/toilet room has a door.  Thereby, a person can brush his or her teeth while another person is using the bathroom and no one has to wait in line to brush their teeth while someone is using the bathroom.


Tour Da House…Master Bedroom

I’m behind.  But, as usual, there’s a great reason.  Last Monday, we headed out at the “crack of dawn” to get chicken.  I decided that since we were out, we’d shop around at some used bookstores to get the rest of the books the kids needed for their reading lists.  We stopped at one store, made our purchases and then headed to the next.  Got to the next store, I dropped the diaper bag around the children and started browsing the books and checking my list and such. When we got ready to leave, I reached in to the diaper bag and came up with nothing but diapers.  My wallet was gone.  We walked the store a couple of times and then headed to the van.  I searched the van a few times.  Called Mark and alerted him so he could start canceling/closing our accounts.  Then headed to the previous store.  I asked around and no one had seen it.  I checked around the parking lot but it was nowhere to be found.  Worst case, someone picked it out of the diaper bag when I sat it down with the kids.  Best case, it fell out of the diaper bag when we were loading and unloading between stores, someone saw it, and picked it up.  Either way, it’s a safe bet that it was stolen.  Mark was able to work quickly and get things closed out before any of our cards could be used.  He also won super man status by contacting the sheriff’s department as I was having my little “come apart” by then.  We’re slowly getting bank situations changed and I’m slowly getting my wallet contents re-loaded.

And that, my friends, is how we kicked off our week last week.

On to the rooms…


Even though I didn’t post, we did straighten up our bedroom.  It’s still not completely done but it’s clean enough for me to show you.  Not much needed to be organized.  We have a dresser in our room and that is really cleaned out.  I purchased a bookshelf to go in there when we realized our books were taking over the playroom. 

And sorry, I didn’t get bath pics or closet pictures yet.  I realized after the Master bedroom there is a separate week for the closet.  Not knowing this, I did go ahead and organize it.  But, again, I’ll share that later.

 I’ve heard several people comment on how large our master suite is.  I agree.  It’s a big room.  But ya’ll, some of those master suites we saw…man alive, you could have made two comfortable size rooms from that one master.  This one was one of the smallest and that fits us to a ‘t.’  Also, please keep in mind that our bed is a full size bed.  I would love to “upgrade” in the future.  Our kids are growing and when they sneak in bed with us in the middle of the night, we know that they are there.  It’d be nice if they could be a bit sneakier and we all would fit.  Well, most all of us.

Oh, and to the right, that’s a sitting area that is functioning as our (Zoe and mine) sewing area.  I love it!  And will share that when we get to it.

 This is our office/nursing corner.  Sorry about leaving the ottoman out of place.  About the time Bryant was born, I decided I didn’t want to use the ottoman.  Now it gets pushed here and there around the room and I forgot to move it back.  Mark is in charge of filing papers.

The “stuff” on the floor to the right is a pallet, for when late night cuddlers sneak in and try to take over the bed.  Or, if the bed is full, they get sent to the pallet.  I’d love to make a little sleeping nook instead of the pallet.  But that’s way later.  I don’t want to add window treatments until the bed is upgraded and the new bedding is picked out.  I still have a few things to put away as does Mark.

When we were looking at houses, one of our big turn offs were giant masters.  We new we wanted one a tad bigger than what we had but we also knew we didn’t need a master the size of a football stadium.  We’re no frills people and a retreat is nice but since we were purchasing a larger home, we knew there would be plenty of space for retreat.  This master was a happy medium between supersized and miniscule.  I had told Mark at the beginning of our house hunting that I would like a sitting area to use as a nursery or a craft room or something.  So, I am thrilled that we have that too.


Tour De House…Laundry Room and Landing

Yay! It’s Monday.  Know what that means:


Yep.  Welcome to another installment of my home!  Guess what.  Our laundry room is upstairs.  Well, it’s not a laundry room.  It’s more like a laundry closet.  Either way, it’s upstairs.  Now, if you had asked me if this was priority when we were house hunting, I would have said far from it.  But, having a laundry room on the same floor and right near the bedrooms, bathrooms, and the like.  Well, it’s pretty wonderful!  Not that our previous house had the laundry far away.  But, to have it on the same floor is a nice perk.

Here’s what it looked like before we attacked with our organizational ninja skillz.

One lonely shelf.  To the bottom right, you can see the kids laundry bags.  Each kid has a bag that they haul their clean clothes in to their room and put up.  Got them from ABC distributing and had the kids names embroidered.  I didn’t see if they sold them but they are similar to the Utility Totes that Thirty-One makes only a lot cheaper (and cheaply made too…one day I’ll replace with sturdier ones and they’ll traipse off to college with those things).  They were piled in the floor and our upstairs cleaning supplies were here.

On the floor.  Well, most of the time they sat on the dryer and would have to be moved to the floor.  Along with our cleaning supplies, I had a tub for stained clothes and one for hang dry clothes.  They sat on the floor or on the dryer.

Here’s the after:

We added the shelf below the existing and a shelf to the right.  Mark’s already whacked his head on the right handed shelf but if we went higher it would’ve been too high for us to reach from the floor.  We’re blessed that Mark and I are fairly tall so we can get away with some height to our shelves.  I purchased the pink fabric boxes at Ross on a date night.  $7 for two.  Yep.  That rocked.  They hold my “hang dry” clothes in one and stained clothes (with the stain remover spray and such) in the one on the dryer.  I still need to make labels.  Every time I sit down to do that I get distracted by someone in the home. 

Let me say that our object this organizational go round is not for cutsie decor.  Our goal is to get this house organized.  We’ll use any means necessary and when I can afford to and we have time, I’ll throw in some cutsie decor.  The baskets on the top shelf hold clothespins and spare cleaning cloths.

To the top left, we have our homemade laundry detergent supplies.  Recently, I had coupons for a few of the supplies so I grabbed them up.  I use the store bought detergent for diapers because the borax in homemade detergent will eat away the diapers.

Here’s my cutsie for the laundry room.  I love Amazon Prime. Got this cute vinyl decal in two days!  I’ll use this side to hang up clothes that need to air dry as needed.

This is outside my laundry room.  My mom was able to save a few of my grandmother’s paintings when she died.  She studied art in Washington DC when she worked at the Pentagon (isn’t that cool).  My mom told me that she took classes with her mom at a local college and they worked on this painting together.  Mom said she painted the water pump and laundry and my grandmother filled in the rest.  I giggled though when I pulled it out to frame it.  The water pump is as big as the house.  Mom said it’s all about perspective.  I told her I bet that’s why Nana had never put it out to display.  She was a bit of a perfectionist.

Since the laundry room is miniscule.  I thought I’d share another area of our house.  The landing at the top of the stairs.  I know.  Not too exciting, but I did put this there:

Our changing area.  It’s the perfect spot.  I have to confess that after carrying a toddler or 6 month old up the steps, Mark and I usually collapse on the landing and just change the diaper there.  But, should we be blessed with a new baby in the future, he or she will get changed on the table.  For awhile.

This leads to my most favorite painting my mom was able to find.

You may not be able to see it very well, but it’s the one on the left hand side.  The canvas board that was used is stained and tattered and the picture is not quite done but I just think it’s beautiful.  Nana rarely painted people.  But she chose this of a mother cradling her child.  I don’t know who it is, but I’ll pretend it’s my mom and either my sister or me.  It’s not quite finished.  Mom doesn’t have hair and not much else is drawn, but the picture, even unfinished is beautiful.  A friend said it’s symbolic of motherhood, you’re never completely finished being a mom and your little one will always be your baby.  I remember seeing this picture as I snooped through all her unfinished paintings and being told to promptly leave them alone.  So, to have this picture is a treasure to me.


Moving Day Monsoon

I took zero pictures on moving day.  None.  Nada.  Zilch.   But oh the story.

The day before our official move, Mark and several wonderful men came over to help load up the truck.  Two wonderful women watched the kids at our church so I could help pack up.  By help, I mean, I stood there and stared at all the “stuff” we had acquired in ten years of living in one house.  It was a lot of stuff ya’ll.  I forgot about a bunch of it too.

So, that night we slept on mattresses on the floor and boys thought that was the coolest thing ever.  We all arose bright and too early and got ready to head to the new house.

I knew there was a chance of rain that afternoon, so I checked the weather before heading out.  The radar showed no rain.  The radar, dear friends, was wrong!

It was sunny when I headed out with a van full of kids and stuff to the new house.  We were about fifteen minutes out when I saw the clouds up ahead.  Dark, almost black.  This did not look good.  Five minutes out and the big rain drops started hitting the cruiser.  By the time we got to our subdivision the drops were so big and so many that I couldn’t see well to get to our street.  Our street was flooded.  I pulled in to the garage, called Mark and gave him the heads up.  He was on his way and saw it too.  I dropped the kids off in the garage and parked on the street so Mark could pull the moving truck up to the garage.  When I hopped out of the van to dash to the house I landed in water up to my calf.  I just knew I was going to go kersplat (wearing flip flops no less) on the grass as I sprinted to the house.

We spent the rest of moving day with either downpours or sticky humidity.  Through it all we had about eight or so guys hauling things in from their trucks or the moving truck or running to get more stuff.  They were awesome.

That’s not all though.

On the way in, Mark gets a call from work.  He wasn’t on call, but he was the only one who could fix the problems that were popping up.  He had to go in.  Again, these eight/nine/ten men worked their tails off without the lead worker.  Mark was so upset that he had to leave for a few hours.  However, we were very blessed that these men were willing to stick to it and help get us moved in.  I continue to be grateful for their love and dedication and their wives for loaning them out and dealing with the sweaty wet clothes when they got home!!

So, I spent most of moving day still in shock and just staring at things.  I had no clue where to start or what to do.  I spent most of that weekend in that state.

Finally, by Monday, I had my plan and went to work unpacking our new home.  And that, dear friends, is why I did not take pictures on moving day.

Here is a link to Bowl Full of Lemons on organizing a move.  I highly recommend this method!


Tour De Home…School, Dining, Office Room

At the entry of our home is a room.  It’s called a Flex Room.  Basically because it’s flexible.  It can be whatever you wish.  Several homes we looked at had them but this room had a  huge one!  It’s designed to be a dining room/sitting room.  We opted for a giant dining room/school room/office room.  And I love it.

Now before we get to my wonderful organizing I have to confess.  I totally took “before” shots.  And then in my haste to download from the camera, did not download them.  And promptly deleted all on the camera.  I’m mad.  While this room was the first to unpack, my mom and I basically pulled things out and threw them on the shelf.  It was a total mess.  I needed to do some organizing.

So, I did.  Learning play shelves are the bottom of the left book case.  Reading books for the year are above that and then office papaer supplies and markers (yes, top shelf, very important) and cutting, laminating machines at the very top.

The center cubes I love.  I found them at Target first but then found them on Amazon (not paid to say that) for a bit cheaper.  They are not super wood sturdy but they are definitely sturdy enough for our use.  I keep the kids individual books, office supplies, and scrap paper on these 12 cubes.

Each kid has a crate with their school books, assignment books, pens, crayons, colored pencils and scissors and glue.  Now, several children, who shall remain nameless, continue to leave their pens, pencils and what not out.  I’ve started a collection and when their supplies are gone, they will be paying me to have them back.

The other tall bookshelf has curriculum arranged by subject.

 Yep, Malachi’s crate is the loner one on the bottom of the tall bookshelf.

Okay, 31 People!  Why have you not told me about this amazing little file doohickey.  I love it!  It’s a great little file holder that I thought I would try out after attending a 31 party.  Seeing as how I don’t get to tote bags around much (unless they are full of diapers).  This is wonderful.  It holds all my PAL games and supplies and holds the cds that came with the curriculum.  Takes up half the space too.  I want 31 of these (I’m so punny).  Thirty-one did not pay me to say this either, but they are more than welcome to send me more!  I am in love I tell ya.

This is our corner “office.”  We are keeping the filing cabinet upstairs and since Mark does a great job of keeping it organized, I didn’t feel the need to attack that area.  This however had to be cleaned up a bit.  I keep our lesson plans out on the left hand side so the kids can check back and forth and know what the should be doing.  That quote and complementing picture are from my mom.  She retired from teaching high school English (among other things) last year.  She taught for over 40 years and I remember this poster being up with this quote from Mark Twain, “Never let school interfere with your education.”  I just knew that was totally appropriate for our “classroom.”  I snatched it up pretty quick when mom was handing out her school stuff to my sister and me.  The poster had a tear so I just grabbed two frames and chopped it in half.

 We have table time teaching at breakfast and lunch so I grabbed one of the three shelf ClosetMaid (not paid either) shelves and sat it beside the desk.  This keeps all my table time books/notebooks in it with a few phone numbers, addresses included.  The red crate is my individual teaching and what I can grab if we “home” school somewhere else.

And, finally, to prove that I’m not completely organized and need a ton of help, I present to you, my office supply drawer:

I need help, ya’ll.  What in the world can I use to organize this?  It’s 12X12 and about 6 inches deep.  It holds staples, pushpins, ring clasps, hole punch, velcro, post its, tape, those little reinforcement things for paper.  I’ve been looking for small containers to put everything in but have come up empty handed.  So, any and all suggestions would be great.

Okay, we painted this room before we moved in too.  It’s Guacamole (Olympic paint, didn’t get paid by them either but I should take out stock for how much we use them) and I think it suits an entry room well.  Mark says it makes him want tacos.  All the time.

Want to see some more offices in all shapes and sizes?


Next week you totally get to see my amazing laundry room closet.  I think I have been looking forward to this one the most. 


Tour De Home…the Kitchen and Pantry

Finally some house pictures!  We’re starting with the kitchen because that is where I started this:


When we started this whole moving thing, a dear friend from church sent me a link from A Bowl Full of Lemons about moving and how to organize.  It was awesome.  And it totally worked.  As long as I remembered to label the boxes with the right stuff!  But, I loved and still love my moving binder.

Anyway,  I started this 14 week challenge two weeks late.  I figured I would catch the other two rooms/areas at the end.  Actually, we started on Week 2, the garage, but had to stop because the yard tools needed a home.  That home is sitting in our back yard waiting to be built by Super-Husband.

Oh, you guys want to see my house, huh?  Well, here are some more pictures of the kitchen. Here’s what we love about it: 
1.  It’s open to the great room.  It’s so nice to be able to see the kids, talk to others who are lounging around, and in general just be a part of the action. 
2.  The bar area-While it was too high for our bar stools from the old house, it is a perfect height and length to have a buffet line.  Already tested that out with our “thank you for helping us move in the monsoon*” party.
3.  The sink faucet has the sprayer attached to the main nozzle.  So awesome and easily accessible.  It’s the little things people.
4.  There’s a pantry and the cabinets are way deep!  Storage.  It’s all about the storage.
5.  The color.  That’s all mine.  The whole house was done in flat paint.  Please tell me you all know what a house with flat paint and seven children, two dogs, and a rabbit looks like.  Anyway, we decided to paint a few of the rooms.  I’m still trying to decide on colors for some of the other rooms.  The pain color is Royal Palm from the Olympic line.  Sometimes it looks really green and others it looks more blue.  But what is best about it is that it took only one coat.  I fought with the kids’ bathroom color and after four coats and complete coverage was no where in sight, gave up.  So, by the time I got to the kitchen, I was done.  I was giddy though when it only took one coat. 

That dog’s not dead.  We took Sunny on a walk the day we took these pictures and wore her slap out.  Actually, the kids took turns taking her on a run.

And yes, my stove does not match the rest of the appliances.  That is our stove from the old house.  There was no way I could part with my super large oven, five heating elements, and convection no less.  We were willing to compromise some and asked the builder if he could swap out for a convection oven but he said no.  So, we swapped instead.  I’m so glad we did.  That oven so deserved a new kitchen and use by our large family. 

We decided to put one of our computers in here.  It gives the kids a get away from the regular school bustle, if needed.

On to the pantry.  Ya’ll I have never had a pantry since our second apartment.  I was so excited to get it too!  I didn’t realize how nice it would be.  So, without further adeiu…

This is the “before” shot.  I already had some baskets up and a shelf stadium for my cans.  But, this organizing challenge made me push to finish the rest of the pantry.

Here’s the after:

 Mark hung hooks up for the kids aprons and for mine.

I studied all the week of the challenge and learned a lot from the Organizational Challenge Facebook page.  With knowledge in hand, we headed to a dollar store. All the baskets you see before you were purchased there!  I believe I spent about $16.  Add in another $7 stadium shelf (of course I used my 20% off coupon) and the room was near done.  I used my handy dandy labeler to make labels for the solid containers.  Someone had suggested using 2x4s for the shelves.  We happened to have four or so laying around the house so I tried it out.  They worked great on these wire shelves.  They gave stability and more height to the canned goods.  We’re going to add another two shelves above our top shelf to keep emergency supplies but that was not top priority this week.

I basically just groupeed like things together and threw them in baskets or beside each other.  A friends said that baskets can some times take up more space than actually putting them on the shelves.  I found that to be totally true.  But for bags and a few things here and there they work great!  And they look cute too!


Welcoming our New Nephew

While we were on vacation (I promise I’m going to post on that soon), Mark’s sister-in-law B went into labor.  A week and half late.  Yeah, we were a bit impatient but probably not as much as they were way over there.

Anyway, we are thrilled to announce nephew number seven (six for them…their eighth child), little T.   He’s their biggest yet coming in at 8 lbs 11 oz.  I think he heard from Malachi last time we were there and he didn’t want to be outdone by Chi’s mighty weight!

Papa and Grandmere’s shirts are to represent their 15 grands.  We gave them those as a thank you for putting up with our kids much longer than we had hoped when Malachi was born.

We are thrilled to have another nephew.  We waited almost nine months to find out if he’d be another nephew or niece!  Such a fun surprise (okay not really…Mark’s side of the family does a great job of making boys!)!

We can’t wait to meet him in person.


Skirting the Issue

I loved the fabric we (that would be Zoe and I) picked out for their spring dresses.  So, on the Friday before Resurrection Sunday, I finished up Zoe’s dress and decided to check and see if I could make something for me to go along with it.  I had just enough fabric to piece together a skirt…with the added white tablecloth (no joke…I’d actually been saving it to use for an underskirt for another tablecloth I have…yes, I’m serious).

I would have totally documented this undertaking if I hadn’t been so unsure of if it would work.  This led me to decide to ask for a dress form for Christmas.  It’s easy to try things on the girls as I make them but for me, well, I can’t really tell what it looks like.  I’m not sure I’d enjoy trying to pin something on me as I twisted and turned as well.

Hopefully, in a couple of weeks when I’ve lost a few inches, I’ll try it on and you can get the full view of it!  I love the patchwork of it and I totally love the colors!


October Baby Review

If you haven’t heard of October Baby, well, you’re just missing out.  Mark and I had the wonderful privilege of going to see this movie yesterday while our wonderful babysitter watched the kids (excluding the nursing babe).

October Baby is about a young lady who finds out at 19 years old that she’s adopted.  Not only that, but also that she is an abortion survivor.  The movie takes you on a journey as she seeks and searches for meaning in her life and forgiveness of others.

The cinematography and acting are top notch.  Wonderful and amazing.  The heart of the story is just that, all heart.   Maybe it’s my post baby hormones but several tears were shed…and I forgot my tissue so a burp cloth had to suffice.

The writers did an amazing job of not playing the “blame game” or criticizing the choices made.  At one point, one of the characters reminds 19 year old Hannah to hate the crime not the person who did it.  I thought that was a very fitting to remind the audience that this isn’t just about the act but about what happens after it.  And they played both sides so extremely well…both the post-abortion mom/woman and the survivor.

And when the credits roll, don’t get up to leave.  Stay, and hear how the movie has brought healing to one of the actresses in the film.  What an amazing way God used this film to heal her and to portray what was in her heart!

We were quite impressed with how the screenwriters brought in the father/daughter relationship.  As Courageous did, this film really portrayed fathers not as perfect individuals but as strong leaders who, when they mess up, can seek repentance and forgiveness.

I don’t think Mark would mind me sharing that this film not only touches women but is also for men.  Mark got a bit choked up at a touching scene between the father and daughter.

I encourage everyone who can to go see this movie.  10% of the profits from October Baby goes to support Every Life is Beautiful which works to support pro-life organizations through crisis pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and orphan care. 

Go to October Baby to see if the film is playing in your area.

And a bonus, the film is made by two brother filmmakers out of Alabama!  Woot!  Woot!  

Disclaimer:  Nobody paid us to say all these nice things…we gladly forked over one of our children’s college education funds to purchase two movie tickets to see this amazing film. Not really…but it was close!
