I have to say, I’ve been pleasantly blessed this week, and it’s only Tuesday. Today’s been a sleepy, nausea day but yesterday was so good and I was really able to enjoy school with Zoe and Ace.
I’ve got the yucky morning sickness that keeps me out of the kitchen. I’m not thrilled with this and because I felt so good when we first found out, thought I would escape it like I did with Josiah. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened. Mark is now fixing meals at night, after I’m in bed. He’s also prepping the kids lunches. So, all I have to do is go in, pull out and set out for lunch and breakfast. I’ve had it really bad like this with Zoe and a little bit less with Ace. The smell of cooking food makes me want to…you know. The look of food cooking does the same. No more Food Network or any pictures with food. At least it’s going to be this way for the next four to six weeks.
Anyway, I was thinking yesterday how great it would be if we had friends who would bring us meals during this time instead of post partum. Okay, all my friends, I’m not suggesting this, I’m just saying, I was talking to God about how nice that would be. I will cook my second and third trimester and have enough meals in the freezer for two or more months, so post partum meals are nice but not always necessary. Anyway, I saw a neighbor yesterday and she asked if she could make a meal for us next week. Wow! God so blessed me with that. I wholeheartedly agreed and thanked God for helping us out, even if it’s for one night.
That was one. Add to that, I am not going to have to cook for our family when we visit B &B, which I didn’t mind having Mark do, but it is nice not having to do it either.
And then this is a cool one…I don’t want to put too much, because it may not happen, but we’ll see…Mark was supposed to go to China on a mission trip in October. However, the group felt God calling them to go earlier to help in the earthquake zone in Indonesia (I think that’s where it is) and so they’re going earlier, which means Mark can’t go because he doesn’t have enough days. We really felt God was calling Mark to go to China as that country and it’s people have always been on our hearts. God just flat out closed that door.
Sunday night was Summer Missions night at church and all the groups that went on missions got up and talked. We do a lot of mission work in our church which is awesome and a great way to see how God works.
Let me back this up by saying, I’ve never been able to go on a “mission trip.” I’ve done some mission work around my town but never have gone off somewhere. I’ve told Mark before how much I’ve wanted to do it, but with China, I knew I couldn’t go because of the cost and now because of the baby.
Anyway, our Minister to Mission (or whatever his title…he does a lot) was talking about a recent trip he took with his wife to a church plant. I was familiar with the trip because his wife had talked to me about it and my heart went out to the church. A lot of them are new Christians and are now raising children and trying so hard to follow God’s Word, but not knowing where to start or where to go. Okay, back to the story again (just trying to see how many different branches I can grow). So, he mentioned this at the mission night and Mark and I looked at each other, knowing we just wanted to go there to do what we could (I told Mark I wanted to move there). Then our minister said they were planning on taking a small team to there in October to do a marriage conference. We’re in…if they’ll have us, was what I thought! Both our minister and his wife were excited when we said we wanted to go. Okay, so it’s not overseas, but it’s somewhere where people need God and that’s good enough. I’m excited, but waiting to get all the details before I post where and what we’ll be doing. I don’t care if I’m just holding someone’s baby so they can enrich their marriage, I just want to help! Mark is super pumped…I think it’s the going together and where we’ll be going and who we’ll be going with. We really respect our minister and his wife (by the way this is the minister that Liam asked if he was God) and can’t wait to glean some wisdom off of them!
Now off to rest, some more…just four to six more weeks!