Symphony and Stars

Our local symphony puts on a free concert at a local park once a year.  It’s always the weekend of Mother’s Day.  I believe that since they started this concert, we have missed possibly one or two concerts.  We’ve been going since Zoe was a toddler.  For the past several years, we declare this my Mother’s Day treat.  This year, I got to share it with Emmie’s birthday. Tobin enjoyed the music and cuddling with big brother. Our ladybug girl had quite the night.  She had a wonderful time but ate way too much and wound up throwing up towards the end of the night.  After that, she was much better.  Never a dull moment with our crew. We met up with several families from our church, picnicking and visiting. Beautiful sunset after we watched the clouds form and a rainstorm barely miss us! Facebooktwittermail

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