Sue the T. Rex

We took a trip to the museum of Natural History near where we grew up this past weekend. We met up with Abbie’s sister and her two kids for a very adventurous trip. Of course, my kids fly threw exhibits and as you start to tell them about one thing they’re bouncing off of that exhibit on to the next one. It’s quite fun. The museum actually had a to scale replica of the t. rex that is on exhibit at the Field Museum. Knowing that we were heading to a “secular” museum, I downloaded information about the t. rex named Sue from Answers in Genesis. Armed and ready, we were able to present our belief in the Creationist theory and how no theories have been proven…including the evolution theory. Zoe enjoyed looking for the different parts of Sue that were noted in what we had already learned.

On that note, Zoe’s been asking me what happened to the dinosaurs, and since I’m not good with Science, I haven’t really brushed up on the subject. It just so happens that Dr. Ken Ham will be coming to our church the first of next year. So, I kept telling them to save up their questions and ask Dr. Ham when he came for a visit. When we left the museum, Ace kept asking me why we didn’t ask Dr. Ham about the dinosaurs, etc. He has no concept of time which is really driving me crazy because he wakes up every morning asking me if he’s four yet (he’s really dreading the 4 year shots).


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