Last night and more so today, I’ve noticed a very unpleasant odor coming from our kitchen. Not sure what it is, my sniffer and I went on a hunt. It kind of smelled like cat spray but both of our cats are fixed and don’t have a history of spraying (one’s a girl), so I wasn’t sure what it was. Plus, we couldn’t see any cat spray anywhere. Mark went on a search tonight. Under the dishwasher, removing the board to look under cabinets. Washing placemats, rugs, anything and everything we could find. It didn’t help.
Then, Mark decided to sniff a pumpkin…that was it. One of the kids had brought home a pumpkin from the corn maze and apparently, it had gotten a hole or was rotting away and left a pleasant odor behind. Ewww! I really was worried that something had crawled under my cabinets and died…thank goodness it was just the pumpakin.