I thought I had posts ready for Friday and today, but when I looked yesterday, I didn’t see any. We are around. Just been busy. We are getting ready for a trip to see Mark’s family as well as celebrating Josiah’s big boy 2 year birthday!
So, here ya go something to appease the grandparents while I go to the pool sort through Josiah’s birthday pictures and pack. And here’s the story behind the pictures above.
Ace has been telling us for quite some time that he does not go to sleep at night. At all. So, Mark finally got the camera out to show him that he does, indeed sleep. Then he had to show him the difference between his eyes being opened and them being closed.
His response: I just closed my eyes. I didn’t go to sleep.

LOL! – I can remember his daddy giving that same line "I wasn't sleeping – I was just resting my eyes!" when he was that same age!
I guess when your the little brother you don't want to admit any weaknesses that might be exploited!