It looks like Josiah is sticking with his brothers and sister in weaning himself. We’re really laid back about how our kids nurse. I’ve think I’ve mentioned before how I nurse on demand and that they have all fallen into a great little routine/schedule…on their own minus the tears and hassle of following a book. So, the same is true for the ending of their nursing. They’ve all just gradually drop nursings about every month. One at a time. I watch to see if he’s interested around the time I usually nurse…if not, we don’t worry about it and he just eats his meal with us. He was nursing three times a day and quickly dropped his late afternoon nursing last month. I thought that with the way he had his early morning nursing and bedtime nursing that we would be doing this for at least three or more months.
I was excitedly thinking that! I’m not the mom who just nurses because I feel I have to. I love spending that quiet time with my babies and feeling them close to me. Very bonding and very beautiful the way God has equipped me to be able to feed them.
Well, yesterday he didn’t get up until 6:30 (in the morning) to nurse. And today he didn’t wake up until his regular time (between 7 and 7:30) and didn’t want anything to do with nursing.
I’m sad and a bit surprised. This is the first time I’ve had a child almost weaned and not been expecting another one. It’s kind of nice but still sad that my baby is getting bigger and instead of worrying about him getting enough milk, now I have to worry about whether he is going to find the electrical outlet!