She had to be at the theater (the Bell Auditorium in downtown Augusta) on Monday, Wednesday and twice on Friday. Monday was a standing rehearsal (going through blocking, etc) and was short and sweet. Wednesday was dress rehearsal for her cast (cast 1). Here are the pictures from dress rehearsal:
Unfortunately, I didn’t know I could have taken some up close pictures of Zoe in her costume, so this was the best I got. Next year, I now know what to do!
Friday was a long day for us. All of us had to get up early to get Zoe at the Bell to do a school performance. Ace and Liam were big troopers! Zoe enjoyed the performance. We were not allowed to go in, but I told Mark I plan on going next year because Zoe will be pre-k and I’ll be homeschooling her…so hopefully, we can all go to the school performance next year and Zoe will be able to see the whole ballet. We go the video of the ballet with the cast she was in, so all grandparents and the like, be ware…we’ll be coming with a ballet to show in May!
Zoe did really good. She was a cherub and came out with her teacher and walked around flapping her arms (wings) and then walked around a “peacock” and did a spin in front of her to say, “You’re beautiful!” and then walked to her teacher and did a twirl and sat down…that’s it! Then we got ot sit back and enjoy the show. She also got to come out on Friday night (their big performance) and take a bow with the whole cast. Very very cute.
Ace, of course, loved it (anything on stage is his thing). And is now saying, “Daddy, I weally, weally, want to take bawet!” Mark is questioning his maturity level so we’ll see. We were iffy on how Liam would do, but as soon as the lights dimmed and the ballerinas, etc, came on stage, he was enthralled! He was so tired by the end that he just fell asleep but he did enjoy what he saw and was very good (the ballet started at 7 and their bedtime is usually around 8).
Here are their before pictures going to the ballet: