Review: Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

I have a ton to share from our Memorial day weekend…but first, a review (and please know that I’m typing this after a very long weekend followed by a very long, adventurous trip home…lots to share I promise it’s coming but first I must get this done and sleep).
Boudreaux's Butt Paste

After having four children with perfectly non-irritating, non-sensitive skin, we had Ceili Rain.  And Ceili Rain, can get a diaper rash if you look at her funny.  Whether she has on a cloth diaper or disposable diaper is irrelevant…if she goes, well, poop, then you wait to say, wash your hands or finish pouring a drink, she’s got a diaper rash.

Now, I have friends who are pharmacists, and their excellent knowledge in all things medical comes in handy.  They introduced us to a diaper cream, right before Zoe was born, and we were sold on “pharmacist invented” diaper creams.  This diaper cream has worked wonders on the occasional outbreak from one of our kids.

And it’s worked wonders on Ceili Rain but never very consistently.  It helps to heal but it never really prevented any diaper rash.

Probably when Liam was a little baby, I started hearing about Boudreaux’s Butt Paste but never thought much about it because I had this other cream AND I cloth diapered and everyone knows that cloth diapered babys do not get diaper rash.

Then I had Ceili Rain…and as I stated earlier, she does wear cloth diapers and she does (boy does she ever) get diaper rash.

I got two different creams in the mail, the regular butt paste Boudreaux's Butt Paste

and the all natural paste.  Boudreaux's Butt Paste

And, since Ceili Rain is such a good baby, she decided to have her rash flair up a day or two later.  So, off to testing we went…

Both creams did exceptionally well at treating her rash AND preventing one.  In fact, we used it for a couple of weeks but now only use it when we start to see her rear get red.  They are no to low odor (I really didn’t notice any odor at all with either of the creams), which is nice.   When I’ve used a standard store diaper cream on Ceili Rain, I feel like I’m carrying around a hospital ward…it just plain stinks.   Also they are not greasy and stick on your hands after you apply them to the baby.  However, they do stick to their sweet bums…I’ve always noticed that there is still some on her rear in the morning after applying it at night…and she’s a very wiggly sleeper.  Ceili Rain dreads diaper changes when she gets a bad rash but as soon as I put the Boudreaux’s on, she calms down which, to me anyway, indicates that it’s soothing and doing it’s job. 

I think if I had a choice, though, I would go for the all natural cream.  The regular cream is a brownish color and it does stain diapers.  Not a big deal if you use disposables.  But I primarily use cloth diapers.  So, when someone asks to see the diapers we use, I always have to explain that the brown smear is not “poop” but diaper cream.  And I’m pretty sure not all moms believe me.  The natural cream, however, is a nice white color, therefore it won’t stain your diapers.  That’s pretty nice.  Add to the fact that it uses all natural ingredients and it makes for one happy mama to a sensitive skin baby!

I can definitely recommend Boudreaux’s Butt Paste as a great tool to help keep your baby happy (because diaper rashes make for grumpy babies.  Believe me.  I know.).  At $5.99 for a tube, it can be pretty expensive but a little bit of cream goes a long way.  It’s definitely worth it to have somethign that you know will protect and treat your baby’s rash.  I’ve also spotted a coupon, recently for the cream.  Something other effective diaper rash ointments do not put out!

For more information on Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, click here.

Disclaimer:  This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by:Blairex Laboratories Inc. for this review.


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