For your viewing pleasure…our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch…in pictures (with a little narration from moi).
This was pretty much his demeanor the whole trip. Lovely huh?! The boys’ behind us were part of a group who’s moms pretty much let us parent them. One little boy tried to throw a very large rock at some of the children before I told him (several times) to put it down.
Craft time! Lots of glue and small wiggly eyes. The kids enjoyed it and I had plenty of “glue skin” to play with the rest of the trip.
This sweet little one has two older siblings who were with us. She thought the straw was awesome! Later she somehow managed a Cheese Nip down her onesie (saving it for later).
He finally perked up when he found a granddaddy long legs (spider).
He is our boys’ boy.
He is our boys’ boy.
And now we have our pumpkins that were not really picked from a patch…more like they bought pumpkins and threw them in this little area…the children, none the wiser and still enjoyed picking out a pumpkin.
Zoe’s BFF, Laura, came along even though her little brother was sick…they piggy backed in my van…cuz’ it’s a cool ride.
Liam enjoyed picking up the pumpkins, getting me to take a picture and the subsequently throwing them down.
Finally! A smile! Josiah was smiling because he was picking up the pumpkins and throwing them down (wonder where he saw that??).
Ta Da! Josiah loves getting pictures taken. We survived and had a great time! Thanks Kristina for letting me borrow your two!