Playing at the Playground

Yes, we’re still here. It seems that having six kids and trying to teach them has slowed me down a bit on my blogging. I’ve declared that we are going to have a boring week and weekend this week so I can catch up on our adventures the past few weeks!

While visiting in Kentucky, we went to a beautiful park with the intention of feeding the ducks. However, we didn’t actually get to feed the ducks, but we did see a house that Abraham Lincoln’s father helped build!

Okay, less talk…more pictures…here they come:

The house that was mentioned above.  It’s being restored due to a fire.  Arson seems to be a theme in that town as a pretty neat kids park we wanted to go to was destroyed due to arson…hmmm.

Who’s cute kids are these???

We found a tree just begging to be climbed…however, the older kids chickened out!  But the younger ones let Mark put them up there.

Zoe spotted a large beetle and Josiah wasn’t too keen on the idea of one being so close to him.

Mark loved climbing too!

Sometimes I do take cool pictures!
Megan and Ceili Rain were so cute but on this rare occasion when I turned around with the camera Ceili Rain refused to pose.

Anywhere we went, you could hear Kristina or me yelling, “James, this way!  Come back James!!!”


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