I’m sorry I haven’t updated in forever. The pregnancy blahs have hit and I’ve had all day nausea on top of extreme exhaustion so even making it to the computer has been tough. I’ve felt better today, but been getting ready for school tomorrow. I’m starting a week early so that we won’t finish late because of the baby coming in March.
Anyway, here’s some pictures. We were blessed with lots of rain last week. I believe it rained at some point every day. Mostly thunderstorms. On Thursday afternoon, however, it started raining a rain shower with no thunder. I told the kids they could go out and play, but they chose otherwise when they saw a huge “Laura Ingalls” size grasshopper by the door. After a little while, Zoe checked to see if the grasshopper was still there and when it wasn’t asked if she could go play outside. It was still raining a little. So, off they went. And here’s the results of them playing in mud.
He decided the car was a safe bet away from the rain and mud.