Party Time!

Party Day arrived and after five days of telling Ace that he turned six on his birthday, he finally believed us (he thought he was going to be six at his party).
Lots of pictures less talk!

This year’s cake request: Blue dinosaur with red polka dot sprinkles (hey, it could’ve happened…have you ever seen a dinosaur with skin on???). Made by using a cake that fell apart and cream cheese icing smushed together and molded to look like a dino, covered in blue dyed buttercream icing…verdict: Adults thought it was yummy. Kids tolerated it and quickly took off to play the Wii.

Look what we installed in our house just for Ace’s party!!! Nah, we actually went off location (which is a big first time for us…didn’t think I could plan and get ready for a party at my house after just having a baby). This is our Family Y (YMCA). They just moved into a new facility without a big play gym and I was iffy as to whether it would go well. The kids loved it. As a friend said, “They make their own fun!” The above is actually the toddler nursery room.

Ace enjoyed climbing but he had fun on the Wii more!
And everyone on the Wii had an audience.

We did manage a game of “Pin the Skull on the Dinosaur” planned out by one of my best friends, Tracy.

And, yes, the pinata did get destroyed…

And there were a few tears shed…as is tradition for the pinata scramble!


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