Papa & Grandmere

Papa and Grandmere (Mark’s parents) came for a visit on Easter weekend. We were thrilled that they were able to visit us on such a special weekend. This was Papa’s first time to meet Ceili Rain. His mother was in the hospital when she was born and he couldn’t make it to see her until now (It’s been a hard month for them both). I think he was thrilled to meet her, love on her, and love on her brothers and sister too. Ceili Rain thought she would get to know Papa by getting a little choked and throwing up on him…everywhere. To her defense, she had/has a little cold and that is what caused the projectile.

Teaching Liam some acrobatics. He thought this was so much fun that on Sunday when we went outside he attempted it by himself…Thanks Papa! We’ll be calling you from the ER soon.

Meeting grandbaby #11.


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