Painted Piano

I got a wild hair runnin’ through my veins a couple of weekends ago and convinced Mark that our piano needed painting. He thought I was a little looney but agreed to let me do it. I had been researching painting the piano for awhile but finally decided it just had to be done!

Zoe and Ace have been taking lessons for a little over a year now.  We had purchased a clunker piano (that left us infested with nasty roaches…but that problems been taken care of now) but then a friend offered to sell a spare one that they had for a good price.  So we bought it.  However, after it had sat in a house with 12 children (at the time..they’ve since been blessed with #13), it had seen quite a bit of use as a cup holder/paint catcher and what not.  Not a big deal to us because it sounded good.  We keep our Bibles on the piano because it’s easy access to during family worship.  However, I could not find some basic book stands to save my life…anyways, I gave Mark the choice of painting the piano red or green.  I was thinking a darker green would look good.  Mark opted for a red one since he’d never seen a green one before.

I asked Mark if he had ever seen a red piano…he hadn’t.  Hmmm…well, anyway, we went with red and here’s the mostly finished project!  I love it.  It looks a lot cleaner (with a few touchups needed), and it matches the (insert fancy know it all voice here) decor of the room.  You know, action figures, children’s books and a changing table (that’s coming up soon, I promise)…the fancy stuff. 

So, what do you ya think?  Want to see more painted pianos (so you know I’m not entirely crazy)?  Go here!


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