Just a quick Liam update. He doesn’t have an ear infection in the right ear (the one that has been giving him trouble). He does, however, have an infection in the left ear 🙁
She also noticed that some of the congestion had moved down into his chest. And she feels that all of this may be allergy related.
So, now he is on claritin once a day, zithromax for five days and albuterol (when needed). I gave him some albuterol at lunch today and he is hyper!!! I guess we won’t do that tonight. Hopefully, that will help with the wheezing if he starts coughing.
If the claritin doesn’t work, he’ll be put on singulair like big brother. At least, this time, we can be more aggressive with the allergy treatments. I’m praying that Liam’s is seasonal allergies and not year round like Ace’s has been. I’m also prayign that the claritin works…if it doesn’t we will have to rebudget until Liam’s deductible would be met…the singulair is very expensive! We go back in 2 weeks for a ear recheck.