My contractions yesterday were not as strong as I thought but they did do something…I’m dilated 1 cm. Josiah is still pretty far up. Of course, my cervix is softened because I’ve given birth to three children….sooooo….we’re pretty much just waiting around for whenever God chooses for Josiah to get here.
My doctor wants to induce before he goes out of town on the 30th…He really wants to be there for the birth. I like to think that it’s just our family that is special but he treats all his patients this way. I told him we would see how I was progressing by the 27th (the day he wants to induce) before I would let him. I really really would like to go on my own. So, all my friends (even if you think I’m insane) please pray that we go into labor before the 27th! Next week would be ideal for family and friends (except Annette…but you’re always out of town when I deliver 🙂
On a vacation picture note, Mark should be getting the camera connected so I can post pictures tomorrow.