On to Visit Mark’s Folks

On Sunday, we headed to visit Mark’s parent’s.

Zoe picked tomatoes (one of her favorite vegetables) with Papa. She told him it was her favorite thing to do to pick veggies (while we’re at it, last week she told me that her lollipop was “delicious” and that something was so “weird” and that she was “starving” but she didn’t know what starving meant…her vocabulary is getting big).

After much needed rest on Sunday, Liam woke up to find us all sitting outside enjoying a wonderfully refreshing summer rain. I had just reflected on how I would love for the kids to be up to enjoy playing in the rain as it usually storms during our rains at home (when we have them). Liam took one look at the rain and wanted to get in it. Mark graciously took him out to enjoy it. And they found the basketball goal. Needless to say, it was a big hit!

We’ll label this picture, “Optimism.” (Papa’s observation)
A little help from Dad should do it!

Splashing in the puddles. I thought this was a really neat picture.

Guarding Daddy…I’m not sure if you can really see his face. He thought this was a great game. He got to where he would get the ball and hand it to Mark or me to throw in the hoop.


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