On Saturday…the City and Country Mice

Lots of pics…let’s get started shall we?!

Ahh yes, Little H, who happens to be 8 months (to the day) younger that Liam. Notice the lovely Alabama football in hand…just a little way for this aunt and uncle to bring corruption (all in good fun)!

Liam working hard with an excavator (I think that’s what it’s called).
The twins with their mama. This was after their feeding at night and they were wide awake! Let’s see, we’ve got TJ on the left and N on the right. I think. Anyway, they’re cute aren’t they?
Having a talk about where to attack, I believe.

We gave H chalk for his birthday and they decided to trace Zoe with it. Notice that Ace has a bow, Liam has a pointy stick. O is on the lookout. Yep, gotta trace where the body fell.


Tire swing fun.

Going on a hunt for something??
Here come the ladies in hot pursuit.

Liam following up the charge.

Ready aim fire!

The chickens. Zoe got to gather eggs with cousin J and she really enjoyed that.

Rabbits. We didn’t tell the kids they were going to be food. Some things are better left unsaid around my poor city kids.

Zoe enjoying the tire swing.

Irony. Auburn shirt, Alabama football.

O just a swingin’

This is Josiah’s version of swinging.

Some very tired and hot boys! Playing is such hard work.


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