I’m getting better (to quote Monty Pythons)!
No really, I am. Mark headed to work after getting us started today and I declare today to be movie day. I did go over phonics with Zoe (by the way, this kid is sounding out three letter words and read three word sentences today) and now we’re going to veg. No trip out of town this weekend. The bread making will have to wait and I’ll just have to ship the baby gift. Which is probably a good thing since I need to finish up three baby gifts for three baby showers at the end of the month (these showers are all together, though).
On to how I feel. Better, but not 100%. My stomach is still doing flips and making some pretty interesting noises. I still haven’t eaten a full meal since Monday night (which actually came up so I guess it was lunchtime on Monday). My appetite is still not all the way back either.
So far, the kids have not gotten it. I think if we can make it until Saturday with no illness, we’ll be in the clear…until they go back to church and get exposed to it again. 🙁
That’s all for now…time to veg with the kids!