October Projects

Our patio is a small square concrete slab.  We’ve been wanting to extend it out a bit to give us some room for our table and grill.  We started out with large pavers but found a really good deal on the smaller 12×12 pavers on our neighborhoods yard sale site so we snatched those up and when the temps cooled off got to work.
Every one got to work.

Even Miss Emmie
We’ve got a ways to go, so we’ll do a little each month and eventually have the whole back side of the house paved out (and hopefully a water feature too).  I can’t wait to see it finished.

I also got brave and decided to try my hand at applesauce and apple butter.

It made our kitchen a sticky mess but we got through it. We purchased a KitchenAid attachment that strained out the peel and the core and seeds and made instant applesauce.  It worked very well.  Zoe and Ace made the applesauce while I put it in jars.  It was a definite team effort and only took one day per bushel.


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