My New Love

I have found a new love.  Sometimes, Ceili Rain just needs to be held…and sometimes, well…that’s kind of hard to do…trying to fix supper or teach or help another child.  So, I knew I needed some help.  Shortly after I found out I was pregnant, the ring sling became obsolete.  Aside from my “health/risk” issues…it just hurt my back and my baby bump was too cumbersome to work around with a baby to carry.  
What to do?  What to do?  I decided to research other baby carriers.  A friend from our Bamapalooza trip who, at 8 weeks, strapped, buckled, and adjusted Liam into her Ergo Carrier.  But honestly, the buckles and adjusting, I had tried before and never could get a comfy fit.  Now, all you die hard Ero Carrierites, don’t get hissy…I know you love your carrier but I also didn’t want to spend the $$ to invest in one.  Some people say thrifty.  I say I’m cheap.
I knew about this carrier called a Mei Tai (let’s just throw in the fact that for several weeks I called it a Mai Thai…may tie…which, if I believe, is an alcholic drink)… pronounced “my” tie.  The more I found about it the more I liked.  I could adjust it below “the bump.”  Pick out cute patterns AND it was affordable if I got it on ebay from a work at home mom.  Yeah!  When I had first seen the Mei Tai’s or Asian baby carriers (also called ABCs…but the encompasses carriers from Korea and other parts of Asia…the one I got is a mei tai type carrier), I liked them, but just didn’t want to spend the $50 for a small piece of fabric and a lot of straps.  But I got desperate…and ordered one.
And guess who loves it!?!  Me!!!  And Ceili Rain!  Now, granted…she’s not always thrilled that she doesn’t have a view…especially when I’m not moving, but she does enjoy a free ride and being close to mommy.  Believe it or not, there is zero back pain with this thing.    They do make some with padded shoulders and that would be nice, but I can fix that and add some padding if I wanted to.
Isn’t that the sweetest?!
I can also wear her on my hip, but right now, I think Bryant is making that a little hard to do. 
Now, I’ll always be true to the ring sling.  It’s easy to get a baby quickly in and out.  Makes for easy trips to the grocery store, etc.  But, for a long ride somewhere…my go to carrier is now my Mei Tai.
Shhh!  She’s sleeping!!!  That was a hard fought battle to actually get Miss Busy asleep but she was sooo tired…Raffe (the Giraffe) helped out a bit…and yes, he’s hanging by his neck.  She didn’t seem to mind.  Yes, she could breathe…don’t freak out, Grandmere and Ge!


3 thoughts on “My New Love

  1. I love the Mei Tai too! You and Mandy introduced me to baby wearing, but I have fallen in love and now have way too many carriers of various types, especially ones that didn't cost anything, just made from fabric laying around or bought very cheaply. I found a group around here of babywearing moms who introduced me to and made me feel more comfortable with other stuff. I made a great wrap (actually 2) that is very versatile with $15 worth of slightly stretchy fabric. Check out

  2. glad to know that CeiRai could breathe, though I'm sure Raffe had some issues in that department!
    I still need to try it out with the giant before I'm convinced!

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