More from Wednesday

Okay, so Wednesday was a busy day. Here’s the pics:

Zoe had this giant bubble maker thing down. I couldn’t do it, but she is so patient and was able to wait and work to make several huge bubbles. You’ll have to click on the pictures to see them.

One of our friends, T, watched the kids for us while we went to the appointment for C5 (okay, so it’s hard coming up with an in utero nickname for #5, sorry…I’m working on it). After we got back, we invited T and her new husband to supper and then some visiting (read torture time with the kids). Lots of fun. Here’s K with Liam.

This is why I have full bookshelves.

Josiah, the dinosaur…I mean, crocodile…I mean dragon. I don’t know but he sure is a cute one!
Yippee! He can definitely ham it up when he sees you have a camera in your hand.
Ehhh? My hand is turning green and furry!!

Yep, here’s another cute one!!


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