WE had so much to celebrate this Christmas season! Emmie reminds us that every day should be celebrated and getting a chance to celebrate Christmas with family reminded us how thankful we were to have everyone gathered around amidst the fun and chaos.
My sister and I are only 18 months apart and we still know how to be goofy! We were working hard to get rid of our middle age chins and Uncle J participated too. Mark was the only one who didn’t need to worry about that double chin though. He’s such a young whipper snapper.

Present time! The kids each open one gift all at once and then show everyone what they got. They keep going until their done. Us adults have a blast watching them and often forget to open any of our gifts!

Papa and Grandmere came to visit around Zoe’s birthday! They enjoy their annual calendar every year!
And the kids loved their treats from Papa and Grandmere! Emmie protected the candy for everyone.