May Randoms

A girl and her dog.  Early morning snuggles with Emmie and Lulu. Ya’ll, this chunky monkey is a trip and a half.  We are so blessed with his little rolls. Mark got to be on the other side of a hospital bed in May.  He had a rather large kidney stone blasted! I got married!  No.  Not really.  In January of 2017, I realized my nickel allergy had progressed to the point that my wedding band was causing a pretty painful reaction (think burns all the way around my finger).  I’m fairly certain that our college poor selves had purchased 10K gold and I could possibly wear 14K or 24K gold but frankly, I don’t want to spend that kind of money and still have issues.  So, I wore a cheap $30 ring that was too big for a long time.  Finally, we tracked down a sterling silver one that fit a little better.  I love it!  I’m still hoping one day to get a platinum or palladium one and one day to have my pretty diamond re-set but for now, this one will work great! Tobin in a side by side with one of his partners in crime (G was born in March of this year). We somehow fit in the last homeschool skate of the school year.  Our kids love this time!
Zoe finished up her American Sign Language class by having breakfast with her classmates, teacher, and one of her teacher’s friends who is Deaf.  They were on “voice off” no one could talk the entire time.  If they did, they had to pay their teacher 50 cents.  She said her class did great and their teacher and the friend were super helpful!  Zoe is looking forward in continuing to learn ASL through the years to come. Tobin decided people food was a-ok for him and does not like it when it’s gone. NF Awareness day…Emmie and I were twinsies! I have no doubt these two are going to get into all kinds of mischief.   Mark and I celebrated 18 years!  We began saving this year for a 20th anniversary trip!  I can’t believe he has put up with me that long.  We celebrated at a local coffee shop that had a top class Irish fiddler come in.  Such a sweet intimate and fun evening. We heard about open auditions for Cheaper By the Dozen and Ceili Rain jumped at the chance to audition.  After the first night of auditions, Ace decided he could try it out too.  They both did great!  So great, that they both got called back!  They didn’t make the final cut but Ceili Rain is sold that the stage is the place to be. She’s looking forward to acting classes this fall.
Tobin’s first bite of cold applesauce… Every bite ya’ll! It is near impossible to get a picture of Emmie without her posing.  She’s adorable.  This is her new swimsuit I made.  The end. This boy LOVES the water. I have never had a baby who thrills at sticking his face in, kicking his legs, and splashing everyone and everything. He gets splashed, no big deal he just blinks it away and keeps going.  I hope this continues! Walls…eat them.  Love them.

Emmie was hot.  I was hot.  Everyone was hot.   Daddy was out of town.  It was long night at our first swim meet.


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