Major Surgery and Minor Aches

I had to do major surgery last night. Lambie, Liam’s cuddly, lost his blankie. Not sure if this is Lambie number one or number two but either way, he needed his blanket fixed. I’m also not sure how he lost his blankie but he did and his sweet owner came to me and asked me “fix it pease.” So, we started surgery. Liam was by Lambie’s side the whole time, whispering words of ocmfort (not joking!). Turns out I didn’t sew it completely on the right way and after surgery, Liam threw him down…no fear, he did sleep with him last night, though.

Concerned Daddy!

Kisses for a safe surgery!!

Alright, so we traveled to “Old McDonald’s” yesterday to meet up with some MOPS friends. The kids were all excited. They ate, played, and came home with bruises and bumps…well, two of them did. I’d thought I’d share this so everyone will know there were witnesses!

Zoe ran into Ace and pushed him into the edge of the slide. As soon as it happened, I whipped out my witch hazel (Tucks pads, for hemerroids…yeah, I know, but thanks to a friend, they help to ease bruising and owies…they really do). Unfortunately, this time it didn’t work so well and his face remained red for the rest of the day. Today it’s not as noticeable.

Zoe thought she’d get a “slide” burn and take off some skin on her knee and here’s the aftermath. I didn’t put witch hazel on this because I didn’t want her to scream from it burning. She came up to me after she had calmed down a bit and said, “I think I need to take a minute off the playground.” And that she did, then she ran off and played. She only limped half of the day and just screamed as she took a shower at bedtime.

No owies here, just a cutie with chocolate milk down his shirt. He had to get a picture since I was taking a picture of the other two.

JB was just laying beside me so cute…still no owies on this one, although he’s done several flips into the dry bathtub and a couple down our two stairs…no big bruises yet!


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