Let the Wedding March Begin

So, what would make me load up my family and trudge a ton of miles and two days to Houston, Texas.  This person right here would.  This (the bride) was my best friend in high school.  We shared many late night talks ranging from my love for Mark to political issues and even theological ones.  Even though she abandoned me to go to U of A (that would Roll Tide Country), we still managed a couple of good late night talks…which included my mom waiting up until the wee hours of the morning for me to get home.  Of course, as she trudged through medical school our visits were less frequent and even more so as I abandoned our home state after Mark and I got married. 

I have been praying for God to bring her husband for a while now.  She loves children and wanted so much to be a wife and mom.  I was so excited when she told me about who she was dating.  And then brought to tears as she shared the first time he said he loved her was when he asked her to marry him.

And so, on Saturday, we were able to watch them make a covenant with God and each other to stay together forever as husband and wife.  It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony.  And then we celebrated at the reception…

Zoe was pretty impressed with M’s dress.
Who’s that handsome man with the beautiful baby??
Let them eat cake!
Zoe was equally impressed with the flower girls dress and had to look at it really closely.  It really resembles the dress she wore in the wedding she was in.  
The boys enjoyed getting some tackling loving from a sweet little girl.  No, this is not Ceili Rain but she loved Liam and Josiah and was not shy to show it.
Aren’t they adorable.
Bubble Time


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