Georgia Aquarium

Last Friday, we were able to attend the Georgia Aquarium, and this is how we did it for under $50! With a mommy & me ticket that got the kids (four kids five and under) and me, and paid for parking as well as a regular adult admission! So, if you have free time and can get over to Atlanta, this is so worth it for $20! We even managed to make it through the gift shop with only six dollars less. It helped that Zoe used her job money to buy her souvenir. It was a really nice aquarium. This was the first time that we had to rush the kids through without them running from exhibit to exhibit. They really enjoyed seeing all the fishes (that’s how they had it written throughout, so I guess the grammar rules have changed).

I handed Mark the camera, so we got lots of good pictures (I’m just good at getting one or two, he keeps taking until it’s full or the battery is dead). So, without further ado…

This is the otter that came over to tell Zoe hello! It scared her because she was turned away and Mark said, “Look!” When she did, this is what she saw pressed up against the glass…pretty funny…she jumped about a mile!
I’ve never seen a sting ray this big…it was bigger than me! These were in the huge tank that you walked under…very neat!

My favorites, the Beluga Whales. Liam was fascinated with them too. He had to ask the aquarium man what their names were and everything. They are absolutely beautiful creatures. I was just blown away with how beautiful God had created these animals. They were so graceful too. Sorry the picture isn’t much clearer, they were cleaning the tank and kicked up all sorts of stuff.
Hiya Crocodile!
Zoe doing her “posing” thing.
Mark was “petting” shrimp…Josiah was playing in the water!

Zoe petting a stingray. I’ve never seen a girly girl so into petting sea animals…she had to touch and pet all of them she could.

Very cool Jellies! They remind me of Shark Tale (the movie) but the kids thought of Finding Nemo.


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