Somebody lost her first tooth and was super proud. The second followed close behind and she pulled it while daddy was at work. I almost gagged. Thankfully, she did not require my assistance but regularly showed me the progress she was making with it. Again with the gag.
We hosted church on Wednesdays for about a year while our church renovated the property we purchased. That left interesting messages.
This appeared after a Wednesday. A week or two before Zoe was having a fit in the van yelling at Liam to put something down and that others would see it. What was he doing? Holding up a napkin to the window. On the napkin, he had inscribed, “Help!” I was laughing so hard I almost couldn’t drive.
We kept looking for zombies and decided they would probably come from this field. Creepy? Yes but then we enjoyed watching people drive in the parking lot and pull up to the pump and then promptly drive off.
More Wubbie love. She has since given up the Wubanub for a regular mam paci but only on occasion. She’s just not a big paci baby like the others.
The kids were able to enjoy one of the cheap summer movies. We had a blast. And that’s a lot of kids.