It’s ‘Bout Time

I figure it was getting pretty baby-less around here…so, without further ado…more pictures of Ceili Rain!
This has to be the act of a cruel mom somewhere…the oldest four went outside last week to play in the sprinkler. Our backyard has very little shade and is fully of ‘squitors so I opted to allow Ceili Rain in. I propped her in the Bumbo and sat her by the door to watch.
She enjoyed the show…better and more engaging than tv, I guess!

Ta Da! Ceili Rain can now sit in her exersaucer. By the end of the week, she was figuring out how to turn in it!

No, she’s not teething…she’s just got a lot of saliva! At one point, while trying to figure out how to put the bird in her mouth, she had a bubble drool that would rival Mark’s goatee!

She had lots of help as evidenced by the little hands in all the pictures!


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