The Invasion

The first part of the month we were very blessed to have Kristina drive ten hours plus with four kids.  Two of whom were potty training!  She got to spend about five days with us before hitting the road.  Ah yes, we laughed, talked, and talked and talked and played a few games on our smart phones while making fun of each other’s drawings.  The kids played so well together and we were both pleasantly surprised that the main squabbles were the normal sibling squabbles.  And, because we were having so much fun visiting, I totally did not take any organized group pictures.  Most of the pictures, Mark took while he was home.  Yes, they are those kind of friends.

Zoe’s best friend Laura trying out the pogo stick…in the loose dirt.
 And Zoe’s turn.
Liam has some mad skillz when it comes to a stick.  I’m not sure where these sticks originated, but they found them while perusing our shed.
From serious…
to sweet.
James…fearless and friendly (I’m totally rocking the alliteration tonight).
Yes, we dyed eggs with eleven children.  Who doesn’t?!
Jack plotting his design.
Miss Megan!  Isn’t she lovely…wild hair and all!
On Tuesday we packed lunches and swimsuits and headed to the park.  It was a total blast!
Ceili Rain said she was cold and had blue lips but, nevertheless, she continued to play in the water!
Hey look!  I did get a picture of Kristina (far left) and her daughter Laura, and Jack too…see if you can spot them all!
When the water play was done, they all decided to sun bathe.  On the sidewalk.  Then they moved to the pavilion we were under.  James took the floore.
Everyone else chose the wall.
Jack doesn’t like to slow down for pictures.
And we managed an egg hunt before they left.  
Ah, look!  Another picture of Kristina and Laura with Zoe!  I’m good like that.


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