I’m a Seamstress!!!

I was searching online to find a new sling…a little bit more my taste and fun and well, after three kids, new! Unfortunately, they are priced outrageously, and I just couldn’t find what I wanted, so…I made one! Yippee! I worked on it all afternoon yesterday and it’s finished except for the rings to it…which are in the mail somewhere. I made sure I got enough material to “embellish” some burp cloths. I have plenty for that and may even add a pocket to the sling…not sure though. I’ll take pictures of the sling when I have it completely finished. For now, here are the burp cloths I made. I used prefolded diapers (the Gerber kind) and added the material and ribbon to one. Then the other one, I made a ribbon tag border. I got the idea from some I had seen for sale on ebay. And thought it was great. Liam had a ribbon tag blanket that I had made for him when he was an infant…just carried the idea to over to the burp cloth. I made three burp cloths, but the first was a learning one. These two will be embroidered with Josiah’s initials/name.


5 thoughts on “I’m a Seamstress!!!

  1. Cute fabric! I can’t wait to see your sling!! I’ve always had boring ones, but I’m dying a used new native I bought–not sure what color… Love the taggie cloth–I want one–LOL! 🙂 I have to see it and how you made it. Fun fun!!


  2. Pants…probably never…but I did find a great material to make a little sundress for Zoe. All I have to do is hem it and sew a seam and add straps (ribbons) and it’ll be done…it’s one with the scrunchy on top. I’m horrible with patterns, unfortunately.

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