Just thought I would share what our day looked like:
We had planned a trip into the “city” to attend a free concert in which a guest Irish Fiddler would be presenting. So, we got up and as I was preparing breakfast, Liam hobbled up to me and cuddled under my arm.
He whispered that it hurt to walk. He couldn’t even walk up and down the steps without being stiff legged on one side. If you’ll recall, last year after Malachi was born we ran in to the same issue and he had an infection that settled in his hip so he had to be on “rest” for a few days. This is Liam. Rest is not easy for him. I checked out his hip to make sure there were no problems there. There weren’t but it did warrant a call to daddy to get the final opinion on whether to take him in or not. We both agreed it was a good idea to see the doctor.
Zoe and I hurriedly made lunches. I put Malachi down for a brief nap and called the doc. The appointment was for late afternoon so the kids worked on school while I finished our grocery list for the rest of the month.
We loaded up and were out the door close to 11:30 and made it just in time for the concert. I spent most of it correcting and pointing and using sign language and batting hands away from Malachi who would have been content to just listen to the music had his brothers and sister thought it would be best if they played with him instead of listening and watching.
We finished up at the concert and headed across town to Wally World…I promised the kids if good behavior ensued we would go somewhere fun before Liam’s appointment. In and out in under thirty minutes meant a trip to the playground was in order.
We played at the playground for an hour before heading out to the doctor. Dr. B didn’t notice the same things that brought us in for leg pain but she did notice something that could be causing it. Liam is flat footed and as such he has been overcorrecting make his feet turn in. I noticed the tread of shoe was worn on one side and wondered about that. He’s also pigeon toed but that will correct on it’s own. Dr. B said he needed good tennis shoes with good inserts and suggested we head to a certain store to be fitted for inserts.
Back in the car we went. We stopped off at a local sports store and picked up a good pair of running shoes and then raced across town (again) to the special shoe store before they closed. We made it (just barely) and the amazing salesman/owner worked wonders. He didn’t do inserts, however, he put him in some shoes and then put inserts in those. He informed me that the cost of inserts compared to just getting the shoes with a bit of inserts around the arch and heel was going to be about the same.
By the time we finished at the special shoe store, Mark met us and we headed to a food eating establishment and grabbed supper (since it was pushing 6). We got home, picked up and Mark took off with Ace for a grand finale of our frozen yogurt date nights brought to you by special daily deals! But, before he left, he discovered there was a nail in the tire of a car that a friend had loaned him to drive until we could find him another one (that’s a whole ‘nother story). So, Ace and Mark headed to the tire place and then to yogurt.
I bathed the six other kids (well, several of them don’t need me to bather them now) and nursed a sweet almost walker and now all is quiet.
This is what happens when Mom gives the kids a bath…funky hair dos. |
I’m tired ya’ll. But, there is nothing I would not do to help my babies in any way I can. Paying more for shoes than I ever would for myself (or anyone else) is one of those things we do. We make sacrifices. That’s what we do as moms and dads.
I have to surrender myself daily to God and his leading. Some days I realize that He has given me a most important job and I need to allow Him to work through me. But some days, I realize that I’m too selfish and too unsacrifical. But when I give it to Him. Give it all to Him. I receive no greater reward than to know I am walking in His light, authority and protection.
Now where’s that bed…I need to snooze.