The Hunt is On

We met with some other homeschooling friends…and one not homeschooling who was having spring break…to hunt Easter eggs. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it and the moms love to sit and visit.
Here’s one kid who really enjoyed it. S is almost 15 months old and had her first taste of chocolate and a lollipop. Once she got the chocolate it was all over and she spent the rest of the day searching some out.
A’s shirt says, “My mommy makes milk, what’s your superpower?” Too cute!

This is just some of the kids. I think we counted 21 total in the room at one point waiting to hunt eggs.

Josiah enjoyed searching for the eggs and picking them up. I was surprised he got that in to it.

The teenagers/adults got to hunt eggs in tandem. One of the other adults thought this idea up!


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