Happy First Birthday Liam!

Liam’s first birthday was a lot of fun! We had a friend and Mark’s parents come over on Friday for pizza and cake. Liam finally started to get the hang of unwrapping presents (not like he hasn’t had a lot of practice). Of course, he loved his cake. I found the edible image on ebay and it came with little cupcake decorations and sprinkles. All that was left was to add the frosting and wording. We did a small 6 inch cake for Liam (called a “smash” cake) and then cupcakes for our friends. This time, it was cool outside, so the frosting was not gloppy like Zoe’s.
Concentrating on playing!

Liam enjoying his smash cake. See why it’s called that?? You just give it to them and let them go at it! Lots of fun. He ate about 1/4 of the cake. This after eating a piece of pizza! My little piglet 🙂

I think Katie-bug enjoyed the cake just as much as Liam!

And finally, we decided to give Liam back…look he has his gift receipt for an easy return!


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