Happy Birthday, Josiah…Choo Choo

Let’s start with our adventure to find cupcake toppers. I felt cupcakes were the easy way to go but I wanted to add a “train” theme to help celebrate his fascination with all things that go “toot toot.” Wednesday, we traveled from one store to another until we ended up near Mark’s work which resulted in a great time out to eat with him (he works an hour from home). We (being me and the five kids) loaded up and headed to Hobby Lobby in the local town and purchased train candy molds. All told, that trip took around three to four hours…but, alas, we found them.

Since Josiah was the birthday boy, he got to lick the candy wafer spoon!

I’m not kidding when I say this kids is all about trains (and sports balls…but we focused on trains for the big day). The balloons were a hit. As were the napkins, plates, and cupcakes…he choo chooed everything he saw on party day.

He tried to blow out the candles the minute we sat his cupcake in front of him. We managed to hold him off long enough to sing the “Birthday Song” and then let him have at it. I’ll post the video in another post. For now, enjoy his birthday pictures.

You can’t tell, but this is a friend who is an avid University of South Carolina fan with a nice Alabama pillow positioned behind him…Thanks John for fixing that up!

Mark “tricked” out this tricycle that I purchased at consignment. Once again, I did not get a “before” picture. Someone had painted it white with a faded purple basket in the back and a pink and white basket in the front. It also had faded purple wheels. I thought he did a great job on it…Mark was at least excited.

This was Josiah’s response at first. He had six “new” Thomas books and was enthralled with them. How to get him on the back???

Ta Da…stick all his Thomas paraphenalia on the bike.

Sunday, Josiah’s real birthday brought Ge & Granddaddy up to visit for the day.

More presents…more Thomas…lots of fun!

Happy Birthday my little man! We have so enjoyed seeing how you have grown this past year. Can’t wait to see the little man God is creating you to be!


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