Happy 5th Birthday Ace Man!

That’s right! My first born son is now 5 years old! Ughhh…He’s grown up so fast. I’m sure I’ve mentioned here before how he is such a blessing to our family. God blessed us with Ace just four weeks after we had a sweet baby go to heaven by way of a miscarriage. I love this little man and wouldn’t trade him for anything! He asked for a cowboy party and so we willingly obliged. Fourteen children and some odd number of adults and we had a great party for Ace.
Papa gearing up for the barrage!
Getting ready!
I went cupcake crazy this summer, which was kind of good as I planned two birthday parties (not counting Mark’s), an anniversary party, and a baby shower…all in the span of a few weeks. I did manage to make the cupcake topper and the cowboy boots. Let’s all give a cheer for cupcake stands that make cupcakes cute and effective!
For an activity, they colored “Wanted” posters…

A sweet Georgia fan wearing the beautiful Crimson and White. We even got him to say, “Roll Tide!”

My find this year was this awesome castle for ONE DOLLAR at a yard sale! Yep, that pretty much rocked. Ace also received some pretty nice golf clubs and bag from Ge and Granddaddy. I know he’s going to have fun being taught how to play golf. My poor dad has waited for a loooong time to have boys to teach and share with! Now he’s got four (so far).


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