God’s Creation

Despite all the rain, while we were at the Creation Museum it was almost all beautiful.  We decided to tackle the gardens and petting zoo first.  It was absolutely beautiful.  
Somehow we got a picture of Mark with his parents and brother…pretty cool!
The rest of these were taken from someone in our bunch.

 Cousin J taking a picture of Ace or Liam or Zoe.

 All 17 grandchildren with Papa & Grandmere.

Zoe and her cousins G and O decided to do the ziplines on day two.  Despite a bit of drizzle, they managed to fly fast and have fun.

Brothers with babies during devotional time.

 That’s a bunch of characters!
Malachi thought the lecture on the origin of the races was very intriguing.  Um, sort of.
We didn’t get many pictures on day two because of these adventures:
We walked out to the van to load up that morning and discovered a tire going flat.  We deposited half of the kids to Grandmere and Papa and took the other half with us.  I grabbed a giant load of clothes and Mark dropped Emmie, Ceili Rain, Malachi and me off at the laundry mat.  Mark took off to find a tire repair place.  I did laundry.  He fixed cars.  We eventually met up and made it back to the museum in time to see Zoe fly down the zip line.  It was quite an adventurous day.  We thank God that we did not have to get a new tire.  Just a nice quick fix.


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