The Go Fish Guys Rockin’ It…part one

Since Mark was there as the tech go to guy, we were able to come early and watch the sound check and hang out before the concert on Saturday.

Here’s what the kids thought of the music at first…notice Liam has his ears covered…that didn’t last long when the guys got out there.

Look closely at my horrible picture taking and you will see Mark hanging out and talking with the sound dude.
Sound check time…
The kids enjoyed a meet and greet with the Go Fish Guys before the concert. They were only able to get autographs and not really stop for pictures. But it was fun anyways…

Meeting Go Fish! from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

Mr. H with the station manager of our local radio station getting ready to intro the group.

Feelin’ Snazzy!
It didn’t take the kids long to get out of the pews and into the aisles so they could move and groove with the music.

Yes, the adults danced too…in a Baptist church no less…what is this world coming to???


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