Liam, yet again, is running a fever! He also has a nasty runny nose with a cough. He’s also teething and drooling which adds to the junk going down his throat. Just to update: He finished up his second antibiotic for the first ear infection this past Monday. We saw the doctor on Thursday morning…when he happened to wake up with a runny nose. All was fine. He was all clear, no ear infection and the runny nose could have been more or less pollen. Liam got his shots, and then we headed out. Friday, he got to enjoy The Roar of Love ballet and was great but we noticed towards the end he was warm and fell asleep. We confirmed the fever the next day as he woke up around 6, and continued with a fever in the afternoon. Today, during church (I stayed with him during Sunday School and then met up with everyone for worship)…he started getting warm, just a few hours after his dose of acetometaphin (sorry for the misspelling Annette). By the time we got home his temp was 103.1! More acet. and then motrin about 4 hours later and he was finally feeling good…oh, add on screaming and crying from discomfort, etc. for about an hour. He took a good two hour nap this afternoon…we didn’t chance it tonight and gave him acet. when we got ready for bed. Mark spoke with our pediatrician at church and I’m bringing Liam in at 9 tomorrow! She was not happy with the symptoms Mark told her and said, “I hope it’s not his ears.” We are praying so too…he has been on an antibiotic of some sort for over a month now and when he goes off it he’s getting sick.
Here are his stats from his 15 mth checkup:
weight: 21 lb 7 oz (our small little man)
height: 30 1/2 inches (proportional to his weight)
head: 18 1/2 inches