First Annual Grandparent Camp

On Father’s Day weekend, we packed up the two oldest (aka the Helpers) and sent them off with Papa and Grandmere for the first ever Grandparent Camp.  They were super excited and Grandmere and Papa made the week extra special.  Meanwhile, back at our camp there was a countdown to when we could get the siblings back.  They were missed by their brothers, sister, and the parental figures as well.
They got very cold in a cold creek.
Visited a falls…

Rode a train.
 Visited cousins (which I think was the highlight of the trip).

Cousin J showed Zoe the ropes of the farm…
And his garden.
And vineyard (muscadines, I’ve been told).
And pretended to ride some kind of large construction vehicle.
And Ace swung on a tire swing (a big highlight).
They also helped Papa in the garden and enjoyed the fruit (or rather veggies) of their labors.
A big thanks to Papa for taking all these fine pictures with his phone and emailing them to us throughout the week!


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