December Randoms

Because my kids were cute in December (well, every month really) Emmie’s shirt says, “One of a Kind”  How could I not get this for her?! Liam showing off his new glasses.  We realized in November that he was having trouble seeing the screen at church.  Our church isn’t large and the screen isn’t that far away.  So, off to the eye doctor we went. Nearsighted like dear ol’ ma! Scenes of reading. After Emmie’s MRIs, she usually needs a bit extra time with Mama and Daddy, which means winding up in our bed during the night.  Tot likes to help with my projects. Especially embroidering towels. She just couldn’t hang. Her exact statement:  Mama, I washed my hands.
I’ll add…and your hair and dress and…She was so proud.


Emmie gets gentle adjustments at our chiropractor.  This was her first time climbing up on the table without needing Mama to hold her. Our neighbor’s son, K, playing a little tune. December was a month of breaking things.  My crockpot slipped and hit the counter.  Thankfully, Mark was able to fix it.  My dad made a gorgeous chopping block that I dropped and broke.  Thankfully, Dad was able to fix it!  Klutzy me and the wonderful men in my life who fix my breaks. Yeah, these cuddles are wonderful. To say my kids were attached to our neighbors is an understatement.  I absolutely adored these memories as they were preparing to move the next month. K would only go to Ace and it cracked us all up that he was the only one that could take him from his mom.  Off for a ride.

See, post MRI cuddles called for snuggles in the good ol’ baby carrier.


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