A Day at the Park

I’m getting out of order with pictures but couldn’t resist putting these wonderful pictures up from last week. My friend, Tracy, did these unofficial professional pics!  I thought she did an amazing job.
 It really wasn’t that cold…but he was not very happy about this one.

 Did I mention we were invaded last week by our good friends from Transueland???

 While getting pictures for Christmas cards, I also snuck in some pictures of Bryant to update our wall!

 The Christmas Card picture!

 Is this a Gap baby ad or what???

 Best Buds!

 He found the dirt!
 Spot the Ceili Rain!

 I’m telling you she loves to ham it for the camera!

 That’s one determined little boy.


3 thoughts on “A Day at the Park

  1. Abbie,
    I can't believe how big the kids are now! I know it hasn't been that long since I've seen you last, but my goodness, they look so much older! Ceili Rain is not a baby anymore, she's looking like a little girl. They are precious!

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