Cuteness from March

One morning Bryant and Ceili Rain were oogling over Malachi.  He was awake and “sort of” looking at them.  “Malachi, meet your partners in crime…Ceili Rain the Tornado and Bryant the Hurricane,”  I announced.  Ceili Rain then began to call herself the “Tormado” and Bryant the “Hurricane.”  This picture is part of the “Hurricane” at work. 

After we got home with Malachi, Bryant grew like a ton and was no longer a toddler boy!

Grandmere came to visit us and help out while Mark ventured to work for a few days.
We took advantage of that time and broke out the play dough!  We’re crazy like that.

We also went to the park where the splash pad was.  It was 75 degrees and we scared away all of the preschool moms and their tots while simultaneously receiving dirty looks from them. 

If eyes had darts…I would have been full of them.  Apparently, they thought the splash pad would not be on for some reason. 

My children turning it on was not part of their plan.  Bryant, obviously, had nothing to do with the splash pad.  They need to groom toddlers like Bryant.


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