Countdown to school

Just a quick post. I’m behind today and we’ve still got to eat breakfast.

School starts in just six days! Agggghhhhh! We’ve got most everything ready. I’m still waiting for Mark to clear wall space in the playroom area to put up pictures and charts, etc. I’m excited but a bit anxious as to how I’m going to work with Zoe (and Ace some) and deal with Liam getting in to everything. I’m trying to talk Mark into buying a cheap pack n play so that I can put Josiah safely down for naps in the playroom while we’re working on school stuff. So far, he hasn’t budged.

In Josiah news, he’s nursing around the clock every 2 hours or so…I’m tired. I’m hoping he’ll let up a little bit during the night. But he nurses and goes right back to sleep, so I know he needs it and isn’t playing around.

And in Georgia news…it’s HOT!!!!!! Ughhh, I’m trying to come up with indoor activities so that we don’t have to get out. We may have to head to a jumpin’ party place during the week just to get out.

I have pictures from this weekend but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to post them. We are trying to get the house clean, seeing as how that has not been done since before Josiah was born.


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