In May, we traveled to a Teach Them Diligently Conference. It was absolutely awesome. We loved meeting other home schoolers and we were totally encouraged in our endeavors to press on. We didn’t get to hear nearly half the sessions we wanted so we’re enjoying listening to all the mp3s. And they are awesome. Teach Them Diligently has some amazing top quality speakers who seek to honor the Lord in all they do. We highly recommend this convention and can’t wait until next year!
These planks are one of those “why didn’t I think of that toys” and our kids totally loved them. We have a small set at home and they have gotten them out over the past couple of weeks and enjoyed building with them.
But we definitely don’t have enough to do this:
The owners of this booth made an opening for Zoe to walk through and then they got to tear it down.
Conveniently located next to this booth was the chess booth. Liam planted at a table and waited ever so patiently for an opponent. He loved chatting and talking to his worthy opponent (actually it was a kid about his age and Liam was enjoying patiently teaching him) and my nerdy heart mama melted. But not enough to try and figure out chess.